Mundane consequences of modern or future technology

When newspapers are finally gone, how will kidnappers prove their victim is still alive?

Share your own examples.

How long will it be before Kids Today don’t know what that “save” icon is supposed to represent?

Newspapers are already of dubious utility for proving that a kidnap victim is still alive; you could always take a photo, kill the victim, and photoshop the latest paper in.

I imagine being a panhandler is getting harder and harder as people become less likely to carry cash on them.

Ditto for pickpocketing and muggers, though they at least can grab Iphones and the like to try and sell.

I hope this doesn’t violate any rules (I’m not really fishing for donations), but this indiegogo project is attempting to address this issue already.

Maybe we won’t need dentists anymore because we won’t need teeth if they develop some tasty nutrient paste.

And come to think of it, there are LOTS of animals and plants that aren’t doing anyone any good by breathing and farting into the atmosphere.

Hah. I was imagining a future where second hand iPhones are cheap enough that they can be used to swipe credit cards to add funds to a PayPal account.

The proliferation of digital clock displays may make it harder and harder for people to remember which way is “clockwise” and which “counterclockwise”.

In the northern hemisphere, it could be “sunwise” and “countersunwise”. I used to wonder if clocks went backwards in Australia since sundials do. But no. I don’t expect analog clocks to disappear so quickly. I can read them much faster.

I agree with Hari Seldon (and why wouldn’t you when it comes to predicting the future of society? Hari knows these things.) I don’t see analog clocks going away for a long time. I have yet to see a pretty digital clock. Until digital clocks become as seamless in home decor as analog clocks, the analogs aren’t going away. I don’t see that happening any time soon. Digital clocks are ugly.

Wow, like, wow, man. I never even thought to think about this! (Sundials go backwards Down Under? You mean, like, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east? :dubious: )

Ignorance fought! I read it first on the SDMB!

What direction do sundials go east of the Greenwich Meridian? :rolleyes:

You might want to do a cursory google search before you roll your eyes. It depends on which way they are oriented, and if they are horizontal or vertical, etc. But some sundials do go the other direction. More over, sundials are generally only equivalent to within about a hundred miles north or south of a given latitude.

Remember paper maps? Now obsolete-try getting one now. Maps have many advantages over GPS.

They go counter-clockwise in the Southern hemisphere. I’m not sure how Hari could’ve been more clear about what he meant.

When we all have our flying cars (like we’ve been promised) how will taxi drivers know I’m in a hurry when I say “Burn rubber”.

South of the equator, the Sun rises in the east, sets in the west, via *north *at noontime. Sketch the compass points, chart out the path of the sun, then get back in here with a handsome apology to Hari Seldon, Captain Clueless. :rolleyes:

Likewise, all the flatpanel babies a few years from now will never understand why TV’s called the boob tube. They’ll probably think it’s somehow related to youtube, if anything.

They’ll probably understand the “boob” part, though.

Now that there is so much porn on the Internet, do teenaged boys still acquire the skill to hide magazine sized objects really well?

I had a young programmer ask me why I kept calling the “enter” character “carriage return” had no idea there was a definition of carriage that didn’t involve a horse.

Another unexpected consequence: with an analogue clock plugged into an outlet, when the power went off while you were gone (or asleep), you could tell how long it had been off by the time the clock was behind. With digital clocks, they are often battery powered or backup-ed, and most either automatically correct themself or just blink “12:00”, so you can’t tell how long the power was off.