Today I learned that limes are always sold in thier unripened state…
Why? To distinguish them from lemons, since limes are also yellow in thier ripened form!!
What have you learned today?
P.s. I did warn you in the subject…
Today I learned that limes are always sold in thier unripened state…
Why? To distinguish them from lemons, since limes are also yellow in thier ripened form!!
What have you learned today?
P.s. I did warn you in the subject…
I learned that no matter how hard you try, you can’t put Humpty together agian.
Today, I learned that “boobies” is not womanspeak for “fondle me”.
Today, I learned that feces are not food.
Today, I learned that ice cream is not a good pizza topping.
Today, I learned that some people take exception to you describing them as “genetically inferior”.
Today, I learned that gravity works.
Today, I learned that it’s NOT considered an attractive fashion statement to walk around with a finger up your nose.
Today, I learned the proper usage of toothpaste. And toothbrushes, for that matter.
Today I learned not to hang around with SPOOFE.
Today I learned that watching paint dry is a LOT more exciting then watching dried paint.
A lot of people learn that.
Today I leaned out the window.
What? Oh.
In that case, today I learned just how rubbish puns involving removing one letter from a word can be.
This thread is almost old enough to drink, but I’m bumping it instead of starting a new one.
Today I learned that the camera on my MacBook Pro has an ambient light sensor in it. I attended a webinar and, though I knew the participants’ cameras were disabled, I covered up the camera with a piece of paper. Eventually I noticed that the Touch Bar was rather dim. I looked around for a solution without much success, when I saw a mention of ‘ambient light’. I took the paper off of my camera, and my Touch Bar brightness was back.
Today I learned wishing it does not make it happen.
I checked how many cups of water it took to fill my mister coffee carafe to the 12 cup mark, and it was only 6. And I learned something new today. I also note… 22 year old thread with only 10 posts.
Today I learned that the famous many-time figure skating champion Michelle Kwan is currently the US ambassador to Belize!
I learned that scented windshield washer fluid is available in Croatia. I saw lime, apple, vanilla, and lavender varieties at a gas station. All I see in the states is bug remover scent.
I didn’t know you could get a fishing scholarship.