I doubt anyone knows the answer but here goes: I would like to know what musical interval the female background singers (actually it sounds like an overdub) are using to harmonize with each other, when they sing the refrain “pop, pop, pop music.”
Is it a 5th or an octive or what? Why does it sound so strange?
I don’t remember the song to well, but if IIRC, one of the strange/annoying aspects of the chorus was that on the fourth note (the “mu” in music) the interval changed, or seemed to because one of the singers (or dubs of the same singer) came down half as far as the other two. I’m assuming there were three of them, but it might have been two and two. I don’t have a copy of the song and it’s a little too late for me to noodle around anyway.
new york, london, paris, munich…
80’s rule!
Always sounded to me like the top notes were a whole step apart, which is what creates that dissonance. Couldn’t tell you any more without listening to it again, and I don’t have it. Got a copy?
70s dude.