Music video is an fun, intelligent commentary on males and females acting sexy.

I am a (primarily) heterosexual guy, and I loves me some beautiful shoulders on a woman.
Not that I don’t also like boobs, but pretty much any woman who has boobs has boobs that I’ll like. Sexy shoulders? Now that is something special. ::swoon::

Wow. That was terrible.

Maybe you have to be a straight woman to like this. Could be.

Some more of the same can be seen below. Short clips where men play the part of women.

Short French movie (NSFW, some naked breasts and the suggestion of sexual violence) about a man who gets (sexually) assaulted by a group of women…

Trailer of a French full movie from 2012 “Jacky in the kingdom of Women”. The story is set in a fictional country ruled by women, where the genders are much like they are in fundamentalist countrys, only reversed. Men wear the burquas. A young man falls in love with the female prince.

I like Ingrid Michaelson (I have seen her live), consider myself a feminist, and have previously seen and shared the French short you just linked to, but I could not make it more than a minute into the OP’s video. It’s just not very good.

Is that supposed to get men to empathise with women because of the gender reversal? That strikes me as an odd choice. Maybe it sounds like a good theory, but the subject gets less emotional response from me because it is a man.