Musical Abominations

Of course there’s always that infamous full album of contractualy required feedback


Got to have some Shooby in there.

Excellent points, Gyrate, and some additional fun can be found at this link to an interview with them. Somewhere along the way (I have been unable to locate it today) I’ve heard an actual audio of a fake interview with them that was a scream itself. Jo’s work with the big bands as a sidekick for Sinatra should serve to authenticate her talents and Paul’s piano virtuosity is equal to Jo’s singing skills.

YouTube has quite a few clips of both Jo and Paul just to show their “real” abilities, too.

I have read the whole thread, and I am shocked! SHOCKED I SAY! That no one has mentioned the Molvanian star Zladko “Zlad” Vladcik and his great “Elektronik Supersonik”…!

(Although, to be fair, this is a joke – “Zlad” is actually Santo Cilauro, Australian comic, and the character comes form the fictitious East European country of Molvanîa. Nonetheless, the song… the song… Arghle!)

Dude, I have a couple of feet of shelf space that is nothing but this genre of music.

I love him, but most people can’t stand to listen to more than a few seconds of Jandek.

Acid Mothers Temple gets a lot of really adverse reactions.

Many people find they have no use for Melt Banana.

More than one person has asked me to turn off Weird Paul.

I’ve seen near riots over certain songs by The Residents; people seem to find them generally disturbing.

You’re so cool, Brewster!

Jackie Chan SINGS “Unforgettable”

Probably the most horrifying abomination I’ve heard (aside from a high school marching band rendition of The Polovtsian Dances at a football game. Was David Byrne (of the Talking Heads) attempting to sing Au fond du temple saint from Bizet’s The Pearlfishers. I’m not a musical snob (at least I don’t think so) and classical crossovers don’t ordinarily bother me too much. But, oh, the agony.

I’ll see that and raise you one pat boone - enter sandman

Can you say sacrilege?

Ooh, You Touch My Tra La La. Not safe for work, or anywhere really.

And odd mix of Lawrence Welk and pot

It’s not hideous per se but it does make my brain hurt.

A perfect example of utterly clueless abominations. Welk was the leader of that crowd of shows.

Back before Elvis, “Your Hit Parade” was a halfway decent presentation of the pop music of the day. If this clip doesn’t actually mark the beginning of the end of YHP, it’s very close. They just couldn’t deal with music that was “performer specific” and thus failed to get the point.

Wince to Heart Break Hotel Song set to Horror with Gisele MacKenzie providing the butchery. As I recall, each of their regular singers gave an equally unimpressive rendition of some Elvis material over the remaining days of the show. Details of YHP at Your Hit Parade - Wikipedia

I’ve only gotten this far in the thread - but - the rest were merely embarassingly bad, painful to watch/listen to, but this guy was scary.


That was like a bad American Idol performance.

We got this far without ?

Cute dancers though!

Raise your Nimoy with this Shatner

This reminded me of the wonderful awesomeness that is The Lettermen.

The Best Music Video Ever Made

Another … er … classic …