That’s right, the song performed by The Fifth Dimension.
Okay, some background. My daughter has become a big fan of the television show Glee. When she’s not watching reruns of Glee on her DVR, she’s surfing YouTube for clips of the musical performances featured on the show. Two days ago, while engaged in this pursuit, she came across a clip with a medley of “One Less Bell to Answer/A House Is Not a Home.” These songs are both known and well-loved by her mother and me, and I went to work that evening with OLBtA earworming through my skull.
Two passages were particularly insistent in my head; the first two lines: One less bell to answer/One less egg to fry, and Marilyn McCoo’s plaintive keening: Why did he leave me? A question of my own suddenly formed in my mind, and in a flash of insight, I knew why he left her. The question: Why only one less egg to fry?
Marilyn, he left you because he wanted a woman who would give him a decent-sized breakfast.
Anybody else ever suddenly realize the answer to a musical question?
Mods: Please move to MPSIMS if that’s more appropriate.
When this song was big, my dad had a black and tan hound named Belle. She had a classic ‘hound dog’ howl. As a young lad, one of my responsibilities was to get up and go outside to see what the dogs were barking at in the middle of the night.
To this day, I can’t hear this song without thinking about that damned dog.
Also, I have to agree with the OP’s ‘one egg’ thing. Who the hack eats just one egg?
Not to argue, but a high school buddy of mine bought an entire car (okay, it was a 49 Plymouth) for $50 and we chopped it down with hatchets and axes trying to make a rail job out of it, and when that failed we put all the stuff we had chopped off of it in the back seat and took it to the junk man and he gave us $25 for the junk! Granted, this would have been in the 50’s but the song came out in 68, so not a long time later.