Musicians I Hate

I’m going to disagree with Rage Against the Machine.
At least they have ideals, which is better than most of the shit you get from the charts these days. They are a very talented bunch of musicians, Guitarist Tim Morello being one of the best guitarists in the world at the moment. If you dont like their message, dont listen to it. If you dont like the music, turn it off, but at least they are trying to say SOMETHING.

no, you must be thinking of your sordid rondevous with a goat, who you kept quiet with sugar cubes.

I can’t stand Fiona Apple. That scrawny bitch…grr

Really? I always thought he was good but never held him in quite that regard. BTW, my mom went to Harvard too.

maybe not in a Carlos Santana or a Stevie Vai twiddly twiddly guitar face style, but technically and as an innovator he ranks up there. The sounds he can get out of his axe are amazing

Coldfire: I’ll take the thanks, and one Guiness, if ya don’t mind! :smiley:

FWIW, my main problem with Rush is Geddy Lee’s voice, and a major case of penis envy over his bass playing. I think the Moving Pictures album is an Ameri . . . er, Canadian classic, though.

You’ll never convince me that Yes is cool though. Never, I tells ya!

Phil, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Buy the album “Relayer” (1974);

  2. Insert in CD player of choice (do not use car player. Dangerous.);

  3. Turn up volume to insane hights;

  4. Sit in comfy chair and close eyes;

  5. Listen to track 3, “Soundchaser”. The most insanely technical piece of hyperactive progrock ever made.

  6. (Optional) smoke a joint whilst doing so.

Also, their latest (1999) album “The Ladder” is fantastic, combining the progressive Yes of the 70’s with the crisp Yes of the 90’s. Give it a try, DL a few MP3’s to see if you like it.

CRAP. Soundchaser is track 2, not 3. Please forgive me :wink:

mariah carey could die in a car crash with brian adams…
mmmh feel better already!

Billy Boy!

I never said that Dave Matthews was untalented. I only said he was a hack. As in songwriter. I think he and his band can play, but the songs? Oh man how painfully boring. The songs all sound the freakin same anyway!

Pretentious? Yeah, cuz he thinks he’s so fuckin good, he thinks he’s the fuckin bomb or whatever.

And his fan base usually reminds me of a bunch of frat boy backwards baseball cap wearin pseudo hippies, who, when I went to school in Virginia, were the same people who thought Lynyrd Skynyrd kicked ass.

Turpentine Said-"i have grown to hate APOP Beserk and VNB
Nation, two goth-shit bands. "

Ok 1st off…neither VnV or Apop are “goth shit bands”, they’re not even goth bands to begin with. Apop to a point can considered goth due to the annoyance level of the singers voice. But VnV is as far away from goth as…ted nuget is from being a gangsta rapper. VnV is an EBM/synth-pop project, and are a wonderfull band, in my opinion. Fantastic lyrical content, and great( some people say a bit simple) beats mixed in with classical arangments. I’m not saying that you’re right or wrong about calling those bands crappy, just make sure you know what kind of music it is before dissing it.

…thinks that VnV is the best thing to happen to EBM since sliced bread…or Front 242.

All I can say on this is that I disagree. I myself find more variety in the Dave Matthews songs than most everybody else on the radio. But that could be just me… individual tastes may vary…

But this… what are you talking about? Can you back this statement up?

Ok, I’ll buy that… but IMO, you can’t judge the artist by their fans.

I’m with BillyBoy, Dave Matthews is fucking great!

I also like Fiona Apple and Alanis doesn’t quite make me vomit.

As for bands/singers that I think suck but some people like (God knows why), I submit the following ;

  • Whitney Houston
  • Nirvana
  • Smashing Pumpkins
  • Bryan Adams
  • any band that uses a cutesy name (ex. boyz 2 men)
  • Celine Dion (she is evil incarnate and must be stopped, although she does smell great)

And the biggest suck band U-fucking-2. These pretentious dipwads are worse than iron nails on a frozen blackboard.

Um, Ivar, Lynyrd Skynyd did kick ass. Get it straight, will ya.

I agree with Phil regarding Yes, Dave Matthews, and Rush, with a few exceptions (e.g. Yes’ “Leave It”).

The group I really hate is (was) the Doors. Some time ago, another SDMBer descibed their work as “bad poetry set to bad music.” I agree. I especially hate “Riders on the Storm.” What a ponderous, monotonous piece of crap that song is. What are there, about three notes throughout the whole thing?

I was very impressed by the OP–I mean, such detailed analysis of why one hates a singer! And most of it rang true. I only have one album but I find that I can’t tell which song is which until she hits the refrain…

I love threads like this. :slight_smile: Well done, everyone.

For my contribution, ever since seeing that slob who leads “Blues Traveler” on a VH1 show (The list) I don’t think I’ll ever be able to listen to three bars of their music again. I just found him unspeakably obnoxious, immature, attention-grubbing, and IRRELEVANT. Lord he was hateful. Not that I was a big fan of the band anyway…

regarding Celine Dion…

Ok, this grabbed my attention. How did you come to be aware of her sweet-scented nature?
regarding Blues Traveller…

I do love Blues Traveler, but I didn’t see the show that you saw, so I am way too uninformed to argue on this one. He is a big, fat, slovenly dude though - I dunno if I could ever really call someone with a girth like that irrelevant.

Hey ** Halbermensch **

You would have to check a couple of my recent posts to know why I even said that.
I don’t dislike bands that are loosley labeled “goth” and I like synth-pop a lot.
I only said that I had grown to hate these two because i have aquired a new unwanted rommate.
He seems to have only two CDs and he plays them CONSTANTLY.
I don’t like him, therefore everything he touches seems to turn to crap.
I hadn’t heard of either of these bands before he moved in, then he started playing these two cds, over and over and over.
I think you would hate them too if they were the first thing you heard every morning, first thing you hear blasting after an annoying day at work and would really just like to space out and watch the Simpsons instead of music, and the last thing you hear before you go to bed at night causing a delay in sleep because it’s so loud and persistent, and the only thing you get to listen to all weekend.

I need to add another to the list of hated musicians-

PINK FLOYD. Ick, ick, ick.

Lynard Skynard DOES kick ass, shit-for-brains. :smiley:

You love them so much, yet you can’t spell their “expletive deleted to protect pepperlandgirls’ pure mormon eyes” name right?

Hate to nitpick, but I couldn’t help myself.

I dunno man, Dave Matthews just has this attitude. Plus the fact that he puts out all these live albums with no or little new material and expects fans to shell out 17.99 is pretty pompous in my book.

Oh wow, I just saw another post in which Pepperlandgirl used the word fuck, so forget my little mormon barb above and replace with the word “fuckin’”.