I don’t get many of the recent defenses of corporate politics that have popped onto these pages as of late. Some people have gone out of their way to, not merely argue against the evils done in the name of corporate greed, but actually portray the corporations in a hyper-benevolent light.
am i the only one who is perplexed by this?
when I look at corporations, I see nothing but conglamorations of people pursuing the greediest path possible. I see damn all else to hell, I’m going for the everloving dollar, in fact a whole bunch of them. I see stunning examples of a philosophy which not only relishes but depends on the deprivation of fellow man.
there is a limited amount of money floating around in the world. the more of it you take, the less someone else has. if i want to sell VCRs, I have to ensure that a large group of people will never make enough money to purchase the very electronic video recorder which they manufacture. if I want to be an elaborate complex multinational corporation, I have to actively subjugate others and intentionally keep their lives miserable.
the worst part of it all is, corporations didn’t used to be like this. they didn’t always used to have their slimy fingers on the controls of the game. it’s only been since the massive deregulation of the early 80s that corporate power has feasted on itself, shitting out leveraged buyouts and corporate mergers left and right.
corporations started out for very simple purposes. for example, it’s 1849 and myself and a bunch of friends want to build a bridge. we incorporate, and this only-recently reified concept of the corporation was given existence. once the bridge was built, kerpow.
the biggest cause of codependence is our recent treatment of corporations as individuals. rights which were meant for human beings were granted to these malevolent maelstroms of greed. suddenly Mobil Corp. has the right to free speech, and since giving money is considered a valid expression of such speech, well there goes our lovely democratic republic. what would mobil like to say? why, “Make us more powerful!”, of course.
corporations are the epitome, the quintessence even, of greed. the unparalleled acme, the holiest of holies, the big macguffin.
and that is why I hate them.