Muzzling a fish!

Who cares about the story I just like the picture of the fish!

Web talk lands some in hot water

Pet supplier sues to muzzle fish enthusiasts carping online

Oh, the Pets Warehouse flap. That’s old news, it was going on all last summer. I hang out at a tropical fish hobbyist board every so often, and they were having a fundraiser for Aquatic Plants Digest to pay their legal fees.

So they finally settled it, sort of?

I would say, (hypothetically speaking) that the owner of a place that sued it’s customers instead of fixing an actual or percieved customer service issue, would have done much more damage to it’s own reputation, than any customer could. I would hesitate to order from them, lest I get screwed over. I’d probably get sued if I told anyone.
Screw that stuff.

A man was sued by Jim Ellis VW in Marietta, Georgia after publicly complaining about the egregiously bad service he received. If you have a few hours (the thread is 35 pages long), check out this thread: Worst service ever! Jim Ellis, Marietta, GA (long)

Not fish related, but it does relate to this thread in that a company sued a customer when the customer complained. Quite a story if you can read through the whole thing.