mx-6*, If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Not exactly.

You posted a serious question that had been done to death over the last several weeks. Fair enough, in itself.

You actually received several serious replies and a couple of facetious ones.

Then you whined and pouted and had a little temper tantrum that you weren’t getting enough action on your oh-so-serious thread. You also demanded that people reply in the manner that you chose or avoid the thread. That is a violation of protocol on this MB. Hijacks are common and the OP is not allowed to “control” a thread. (Of course, had you the wit to lurk, you’d have known that.)

DavidB happened to mention why the rest of the GD posters weren’t falling over themselves to enlighten you, (thus providing the sort of friendly, informative service we have come to expect from our Mods). You immediately began jeering at his response and taking juvenile swipes at his posts.

Since you have already shown that you need to be led by the hand when posting on an adult MB, his attempt to provide some assistance was quite generous.

Of course, you’re the guy that has to have smileys or he can’t possibly recognize a joke, so I’m not sure if I have used small enough words, here, for you to understand.

Ah well.

Ayup. I ran across a few of his posts this morn. Eeesh. I do think ‘dumbass’ would be a more accurate term than ‘moron’.

Just who the fuck are you to tell US how seriously we should take ourselves? You’re NOBODY, that’s who you are.

Simply responding in kind, you goatfelching mungbait, simply responding in kind.

Now listen up, Son, 'cuz you’ve obviously got a fart backed up and lodged in your brain… you’re an idiot. Posting standard anti-Liberal E-mail forwards to a message board and trying to pass it off as a viable argument ain’t gonna cut it. So pull that damn Acme Butt-rammer out of your ass and begin cracking open a damn book or two before you post.

Sua:"In two threads I’ve been involved in, mx-6* has demonstrated that he firmly believes in personal abuse and that he has no obligation to support his sweeping generalizations with any thing as pedestrian as facts:

In the second of the two threads, his attacks on me got to the point that I came to the conclusion he had a personal problem with me, and I invited him to start a Pit thread about me so we could have it out. He refused.

While none of his comments may be individually Pit-worthy, I think in combination they are. Besides which, he’s a moron.

BTW, don’t call him “son”. He really hates that

Good God, aynrandlover -
This moron’s accusing DAVID B. of being a troll!!!
Don’t he see them big, bad letters m-o-d-e-r-a-t-o-r under his name?
Talk about a death wish. Man, I should hurry over and flame the idiot quickly, afore he gets banned.


Yeah, I firmly believe in personal abuse while you have been crowned Mr.Civility. :confused:
SPOOFE Bo Diddly


Some of you take yourselves a little too seriously around here.

Just who the fuck are you to tell US how seriously we should take ourselves? You’re NOBODY, that’s who you are.

You are quite odd yourself to imply that my defending myself is wrong while you are perfectly justified in calling names to defend yourself.

Simply responding in kind, you goatfelching mungbait, simply responding in kind.

Now listen up, Son, 'cuz you’ve obviously got a fart backed up and lodged in your brain… you’re an idiot. Posting standard anti-Liberal E-mail forwards to a message board and trying to pass it off as a viable argument ain’t gonna cut it. So pull that damn Acme Butt-rammer out of your ass and begin cracking open a damn book or two before you post.--------------------------------------------------------

Simply responding in kind??

To what? :confused:

That was my first post here and the statement you quote wasn’t even adressed to you. :confused: Unless you are one of Sua’s alternate personalities.

Either way you more than proved to me that the backed up fart is actually lodged in your brain. As for who is the idiot, well you more than made an argument on your behalf in the post above.

As for you apparent fetish for books I am wondering if that is where you learned all of those big words that you use. You know, Acme Butt-rammer, goatfelching mungbait, and the always flattering:Your NOBODY, thats who you are.

Hmm?? I thought that this thread was supposed to prove that I am the troll but many of you have proven me unworthy of that title. I’m just not affluent enough to come up with the necessary ammo to truly troll. I have no books that tell me to call someone a goatfelching mungbait or that suggests that I date my sister either.

I’m not worthy!
I’m not worthy!

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!!!

Wow, this is truly astonishing.

I mean, I knew he was an idiot, but WOW! He must be… ::pause for dramatic effect::… the KING of Idiots!

How awe-inspiring…

Nice try there SPOOFE. The fact is that you are the one wearing a big Idiot sign right now.

Didn’t you say this “At least he’s amusing. You know, the same way a mentally deranged madman who’s in the middle of one crazy acid trip running around on fire just before he falls off a cliff is amusing.”

Seems that you were talking about yourself there. I am very amused. :D:D

So mx6’s last response read to me as " I know you are, but what am I!"
What is he, 12 or something. sheesh
Having read the Al Gore thread, I must say I am a little amazed that mx6 still has “member” by his name.

Is that how you read it?


I guess that might be because I am the one who is being called the troll here but most of the others here have proven to be no better and actually quite superior in the trolling department.

Sorry that I don’t apprciate a moderator trolling my thread. That was all that he did. He didn’t like the topic and he had the choice to move on but he chose to troll anyway. So what that this was discussed thouroughly last month. It was my question and if he can’t show a little respect and answer it then he deserves the title of Troll.

The fact is that the thread would have gone away before it did but he helped keep it alive for a while. I don’t think that his MODERATOR title puts him above making an actual post with intent other than to troll.

If Moderator=Troll then we are all invited to do so. That is how I read that and I’m sure that we can all find innumerable similar instances to say “this topic has been debated to death”

Look at all of the Religion/Gay/Abortion etc. threads and you could do the same in each and every one of them as well. Would that really be productive though?

Do you know what a “troll” (as it pertains to an online message board) is? It doesn’t seem that you do.

Prove it.

No, no, no, you got that sentence all wrong. The last seventeen words should be deleted. Dammit, don’t they teach you 12-year-olds proper sentence structure in school, son?

Spoofe:Do you know what a “troll” (as it pertains to an online message board) is? It doesn’t seem that you do."

Maybe something like this:
I said: You are quite odd yourself to imply that my defending myself is wrong while you are perfectly justified in calling names to defend yourself. (This statement wasn’t addressed to you)

You responded: Simply responding in kind, you goatfelching mungbait, simply responding in kind.

Now listen up, Son, 'cuz you’ve obviously got a fart backed up and lodged in your brain… you’re an idiot. Posting standard anti-Liberal E-mail forwards to a message board and trying to pass it off as a viable argument ain’t gonna cut it. So pull that damn Acme Butt-rammer out of your ass and begin cracking open a damn book or two before you post."

I am still wondering what exactly you were responding to.
Since I never addressed you before you made this statement.

Seems to me that maybe you should process your thought before you spill it onto your browser. But thats just my opinion. You can continue to answer posts that weren’t addressed to you with crap like"Simply responding in kind, you goatfelching mungbait, simply responding in kind." if you choose. It just proves that sometimes a troll isn’t even aware.

As for proving that the MOD was a troll then read the damned thread. If it doesn’t appear to be trollish then look at responses from others in other threads when someone jumps in, says nothing but decides its appropriate to attack the question or OP.

That isn’t being a Troll? Then SD has a very odd definition of Troll. And the OP must be wrong too. And a few others who called me a troll here in this thread.

So who is right about the definition of troll? Since everyone seems to have their own definition. Check out the other threads. It seems that everyone has been called a troll at one time or another in the PIT.

Ya know, The more I read mx6’s Al Gore thread, I have to wonder what his point was. His OP was confrontational, and when very few responded, he says;

So what was he trying to acomplish with this thread, other than Gore supporter baiting.

Not a great debate, Not a general question, Not even MPSIMS.


Hmmm, where’s that clue? Ahh, here it is -
mx-6* responds to people who disagree with him with personal insults.
SuaSponte responds to personal insults with personal insults.

See the difference?

Dammit, he caught me!!! The jig is up. I confess - SPOOFE is my sock puppet. The fact that we regularly disagree with each other is solely meant to throw y’all off the trail. Damn, damn, that mx-6* for seeing through my clever ruse!

Admins, I await your immediate banning of me, in all my personas.


Damn, this guy’s a hoot! Lessee, he’s got three tricks up his sleeve…

  1. Say “I know you are but what am I” (as particlewill already pointed out), or it’s rough equivalent, “I’m not stupid, you’re stupid!” Pure genius! He can crack open electrons with that brilliance!

  2. Throw about baseless accusations of trollery/sockpuppetry. This is especially funy since this bonehead has no idea what either of them mean.

  3. Keep quoting someone over and over! Wow! If you can’t win through logic, you win by confusing the other guy!

Now, MX, I’m sure you think you’re doing the right thing by trying to make Gore out to be a horrible, horrible person, but (and this is coming from someone who voted for Dubya) shut up. You’re proving Gore (and his supporters) right.

I wrote this.

SUA Bo Diddly


I was tempted to bet ol’ m was reading from the same playbook as BBTFL until I noticed that BBTFL is insane & ol’ m is merely inane.

Liar! I did! Apparently, I’m schizophrenic.

-SPOOFE Sponte

::looks at mx quizzically::

They still make you? I thought you had gone the way of BETAmax. I thought we got the mass media make sure you’re using AOL forums. Seriously guy, take a look at all the threads you’ve posted to. Now pretend that whenever you see your name you see “Bob Smith” or something equally generic in the place of your name. I really hope you are capable of a little willing suspension of disbelief. Now, in all honesty, if you look at your past posts as an outsider (i.e. not looking at them as if they were yours) what do you see? Do you see a Troll? Do you see a fart-backed-up-into-his-brain idiot? Do you see a saint? Do you get kinda peeved at yourself? Do you look smart or stupid?

Think about it. One-third of the time you post it’s to argue with someone or attack them personally. I normally don’t post in the pit, I just read it for entertainment (kinda like my friends watch the WWF); however, when I saw this I had to respond.

Now, if i’m correct you will read this and either A: ignore my advice on self reflection, have a little knee-jerk response, and attack me B: Have the knee-jerk response, pretend you did what I asked you to, then flame me or C: Let yourself believe you actually can have a silent moment of self reflection - which is a hard thing to do - not have that moment, get self-righteous, and flame me.

I’ll wait and see.

punk snot dead,


Here is a handy hint

Its a page that will explain how to quote, link threads and use vBulletin, the software upon which this board runs.

It will help your posts become a little more readable, dispite whatever inane, bizarro-logical, plauge-ridden aardvark with a unicorn stick pap you wish to spew onto my screen.

Have a nice day.

He’s too dumb to figure out the quote tag, too.
::ducks and runs::