My 30s start in 2009. Is there a welcome pack?

Apparently I should become the person I want to be by the time I’m 30 or I’ll never be that person. I’ve got about 4 months to…

Get a House.

Get a SO.

Have about 3 kids.

Establish a source of income from a creative outlet (authorship, art or photography).

Become well known in one of the above fields.

So, when will my preperation pack arrive? And is there a welcome to your 30s pack once I turn 30? What is in it?
Oh, and when do I start feeling more conservative? Which religion shall I pick? When does my subscription to the Daily Mail start?

My 30s start in 2009. Is there a welcome pack?

Yes, it’s called life. It will find you. Enjoy.

I turned 30 in 2008.

So far, I still don’t have a house, spouse, kid, or even a job. (I went back to school and am living on student loans.)

It’s okay. Don’t fret.

I’m turning 30 this year too - I’ve got the house (well, I own a bit, my mother owns a bit and the bank owns the rest) and what I’m pretty sure is my career for the forseeable future, but I don’t have an SO, kids or any income from creative outlets (although the money in my ISA is growing nicely and I’m planning to start investing next year).

Lobsang - if you do get a pack before the big day then could you please forward me a copy? Thanks. :slight_smile:

I turned 30 in July.

I have the SO, but I don’t have the mortgage, the kids, or the job that “justifies” my age.

In some ways that’s OK, because I don’t want children–although that’s not OK with my mother, who is a lovely but terribly traditional woman–and I don’t enjoy yardwork, so the lack of a yard and the rent on my apartment don’t bother me as much as they probably should.

And my job? shrug I’m just grateful to have one, in this current economy. My SO went from six digits to working retail with a nametag. Our bills are paid and I’m grateful.

I do have a savings account just for the badass digital camera that I would like to be my ticket into serious professional photography…b/c I’ve shot just enough weddings to know what I need to get there…but the weirdest thing about turning 30 was its lack of true impact. When I was a kid, I couldn’t imagine meeting myself at 30, because I assumed that I would be somebody else by then. Somebody cool, with her act together, with her shit all lined up like pigeons on a wire.

It doesn’t happen that way. Your brain may learn new things, and your body may get older, but in your mind you’re always that little girl. This is why getting older is a betrayal; you assumed you’d know more, be smarter, be wiser, be somebody cooler or at least better. You’re never gonna feel like you’re there, though.

The best thing about turning 30 is realizing this. It sounds like a big number; I’m sure that 40 and 50 will break my heart even more. But fuck that. Nobody’s paying as much attention to your life as you are; you are a grown adult who answers to nobody but yourself. Move at your own pace. Do things at your own speed. Make yourself happy, because nobody else will.

Congratulate yourself that you’ve made it this far, and do whatever the hell makes you happy.

THAT is what being a grown-up means.

It’s funny, looking back… when I was 24, I had my daughter. At 32, I graduated from college. Married my soulmate at age 40. It’s good that I didn’t have any set expectations for any particular decade. It’s been a great time so far.

I know my comments are tangentially related to this OP… it’s just what the whole thing got me thinking about.

With big pointy teeth. It will pick you up and shake you about like a dog savaging a rabbit.

Oh wait. Maybe that was my thirties. Too many people I knew died during that decade. May yours be better.

“but in your mind you’re always that little girl.”

I hope not! :smiley:

In my mind, I am a 21 year old Male. 65% man 35% boy.
Just to make this clear. I’m not fretting or anything. And I’m not upset that I should have done x,y, and z by 30. These were things my grandad said. I am sure many of the things he did to get where he is, he did past 30, or even past the whole decade of his 30s.

So the point of this thread wasn’t to be sad about soon being 30. It was to have fun with the idea of it.

Gather up your female friends, go out the night you turn 30. You will end up with some pity sex that will likely give you a kid and that’ll take care of the SO which will lead to a soul crushing office job basically taking care of that whole doing what you love being creative thing by itself. At this point, tally up your friends and family and pick the religion that hates the least of them or just pick the one your SO is. You will get the SO pregnant again and she will demand a house for her spawn. Having the house, kids and SO will make you a conservative because you need that extra tax money to send her to the mall to shut her up. Then… Oh, you said to have fun with this…
(I’m a 26yo male going on 16) :smiley: