My addiction is getting expensive

My Playstation addiction, that is. I have broken two controllers in the last two months. Now I am afraid to even think about buying the Playstation 2 when it comes out. Good Heavens, if I were to break that I would be out some serious money.

I think I just plain wore out the first controller. The buttons started to fail and then it just stopped responding altogether. I blame Syphon Filter and Spyro the Dragon for that one. The last one was more violent, though. I was cranking really hard on the analog stick as I whipped through the hairpin at Laguna Seca in GT2 when I snapped the head of the stick clean off. I tried to finish the race using the d-pad, but my thumb couldn’t take it (sadly I fear I have a life-long thumb disorder caused by years of NES and SNES abuse). That was almost a week ago, and I haven’t played since. I’m getting shaky. It’s almost lunchtime and I’m scared that I may leave work and wind up at Target in the electronics section again. I don’t think I can stop myself this time…

I know of which you speak.
My analog controller broke (actually it was eaten by my dog, the little shit) about 3 months ago and I’m stuck with the ol’ plain jane controller.

A few weekends ago, I visited a friend and brought my only controller along so we could play a little head to head soccer and baseball. And I forgot the damn thing at his house. Then he went out of town for a few days! I had spend my free time reading a book! Can you just imagine?!?

Now here I am, trying to do my best at budget shopping for a new computer, and Tony Hawk 2 comes out in 3 days. I may have to forgo eating for a few days, because I must have that game.

Reading a book? Ye Gods, Jack. That sort of thing will ruin you!

Well, I know I am about to cave. I’m heading out the door right now to grab lunch at Taco Johns and I’m swinging by the ol’ Tarjay to pick up a new controller. I’m so weak I sicken myself. But then, I just got Medal of Honor fo 20 bucks last week so I can hardly let it just sit there collecting dust on top of my TV…