My Answer To Second Stone's Reply To My Alleged Pit.

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Let me remind you of your supporting posts in my Lenin/Imperialism OP.

One of several.

So, why do you forsake me now?

Can’t stand comedy?

ETA With regard to SOAT, at the time he recognized that the International Corporate Kleptocracy (IGC), a composite of KGB, CIA, GM and Goldman Sachs has won globally.

It’s time we look elsewhere than IGC for answers. Disagree?

This is the first reply to the answer to the reply to your alleged pit.

Quoted for quotabilty.

Dude, go take a nap.

Preferably a long nap at that.

I’m considering it.

Is it just me, or is this the first coherent post in the thread?

So far, so good.

Yes, whatever.

Good enough, imho.


Yet Another Winsome Nocturne?

Generally I have no fucking idea what he’s jabbering about.

banana unicorn automobile

That made more sense than some of that other stuff :smiley:

This is my reply to all the other replies in this thread which are replying to the OP’s reply.

A dirt nap?

Off a short pier!

To the question of Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Marx, and the pipsqueaks Machiavelli and Beck, I reply.

Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, General Tojo, and the pipsqueaks Buddha and Reverend Moon.

Let’s keep it multicultural folks!

Fidel? lalenin?