My Awesome New Robot Book

There were simply too many many movies and tv shows in the modern era to cover. The robot was a minor element in the movie, and neither the movie nor the tv show were famous enough in themselves to require including, IMO. Sorry.

Fair enough, although I’d argue Holmes and Yoyo was even more obscure yet included… although yes, definitely the robot there was one of the two leads.

No need to apologize - it was an exhaustive work that clearly shows you did considerable research.

Thank you. I found that exhaustive research doesn’t mean you exhaust your sources, it means you exhaust yourself. I ended with 140,000 words of text for a 90,000 word book.

But I will certainly think about adding an article on Logan’s Run to my general site, Flying Cars and Food Pills, which has a section on robots. I currently have 19 ideas lined up for research and posting, though, so it may take a while. OTOH, what else do I have to do now? :slight_smile:

One of the things I find interesting about Rem from Logan’s Run is that he has zero trace of Pinocchio Syndrome, unlike Data from Star Trek. Unlike some other such creations, though, he’s not evil or adversarial. Rem likes humans, especially “his” humans, but has zero desire to be a human, he’s quite happy being who/what he is and also quite happy to aid Logan and Jessica.