I actually watched a reality show. And it amused me. :eek:
Anyone else catch this? I thought it was hilarious.
Guesses on who the “real boss” is? Rupert Murdoch?
I actually watched a reality show. And it amused me. :eek:
Anyone else catch this? I thought it was hilarious.
Guesses on who the “real boss” is? Rupert Murdoch?
I stayed around after Arrested Development to watch this. Better than expected – although, my expectations weren’t all that high. Still, I’ll be around next week.
lol that’s exactly who I thought.
I thought it was pretty funny. It was a pretty good parody of the Apprentice, that’s fer sure. Loved the sleeping on the piles of money.
I loved it. The best part was watching this successful business people saying how expensive the champaigne tasted and how equisite the food tasted when it was just cheap crap the show threw together. It was amazing how they deluded themselves into believing that.
It seems that the rest of the guys in the show can’t believe how unprofessional the ‘boss’ is. I wonder if any of them come close to cracking the mystery.
As for the actual boss? Murdoch would be inspired, but who knows. In order to see enough of the people to make a decision on who to cut, I’d think the guy may be in Chicago… then again, they may just slap everything on tape and send it off to whereever the real boss may be.
Are these people really that stupid? I mean, who applies for a job without first researching the company? None of them knew what Icor was. There really is a sucker born every minute. I mean, c’mon, the unprofessional cursing, the sexual harassment, the Spam… It was pretty funny. This crew is like a watered down version of the Apprentice hirelings. Can’t wait to see if anybody even looks like they might start to catch on.
Delusion isn’t required – just somebody telling them it was what rich people ate and drank, and the fact that it tasted different from what they’d been exposed to before.
It ain’t the quality that makes something into rich-people fare, it’s how difficult it is to obtain – and if it’s something you’ve never seen before, it’s really easy to get you to believe it’s ritzy if you don’t know any better.
We could all learn a lesson from the Star-Bellied Sneetches and the Star-On and Star-Off machines.
I was really looking forward to this, because I love the idea of arrogant people being put in their place.
So far I have mixed feelings about it. I hoped they were going to make them live in the dirty warehouse. I was really piqued by the way they all crinkled up their noses at the idea that they might have to do something that would get them dirty. I loved when the Boss pointed out to the one guy that he is short.
I am really wondering how far any of these women are willing to let him go when it comes to the lecherous advances he’s making. I’m mean, he’s a billionaire, and they are really impressed by that.
The fact that they all told lies to beg money made me angry, especially to claim they were collecting for charity when they weren’t. So I have even less sympathy for any of them than I did in the first place.
And the one who showed up for what was more or less a job interview in a tiny, flirty skirt and tight shirt (yes, it was a woman) really irked the crap out of me.
So I’ll watch another episode and hope they work in more humiliation. The paintball episode looks like it may be just what I am hoping for.
Well, I can understand if they were not told much going in…but all I could think about was that if I was one of those idiots (I wouldn’t be), After the first day of the show I would be at home Googling up a storm – “Iocor” , “N. Paul Todd” and a few of the 75 companies that Iocor has supposedly provided VC for. The list of Billionaires in the world is only about 500 people long, isn’t it?
Were these people sequestered for the entire show? No phone calls home? No intarweb? :dubious:
I think the real boss is going to be a dog, or a goldfish or something. I’m picturing a goldfish for example, having a picture of each of the contestants up for firing held up to either side of the tank, and the first one he swam to is the one let go.
That’s in line with what I suspected. I thought at first it’d be Rupert, but that wouldn’t be THE BIGGEST SURPRISE IN REALITY SHOW HISTORY, so maybe not. I’m thinking it’s a monkey who has two buttons in front of him that he slaps every week.
I laughed. Out loud. And I hate “reality” shows.
This was like the evil love child of “The Apprentice” and “Joe Millionaire”.
Being fired because he had the most expensive suit in teh room was a stroke of genius.
There are times when I’m not sure if debasing these people is right, the they open their mouths and make me feel no pity for them.
It is a great parody of reality TV, too bad there is an actual prize. The reward punishment bits are too funny. “Each of you have $10 000 in you rmattress” Huge grins and gasps, “Of course you can’t keep it.” Tight polite grins eyes rolling.
Just plain clever.
I’m getting a little annoyed at the actors doing the nudge nudge wink wink bits. We aren’t stupid, we know they are debasing themselves for money you don’t need to tell us… of course in an hour long format I guess they are just updating those who tuned in late… but really.
I’m hooked.
He is too short.
Like a lot of others here, I thought it might be Rupert Murdoch, too, but then I thought the exact same thing you did. I would like that twist a whole lot better. An animal deciding their fates would be a fantastic idea and another slap in the face of these contestants.
I can’t wait for paint ball. “Paper jam!!”
But very hot.
Looks like this series will be more fun for fans of the nice looking male. A few of the women look pretty good from a distance, but dang - none of them are really attractive at all up close. :eek:
Didn’t watch the show, but I was guessing that the Secret Boss would be Larry Flint. I like the chimp idea better.
That would work best if the people were fired or whatever via a giant balloon eating them.
I was surprised that despite the fact that they lied about the charity thing that the evil boss didn’t have them arrested for fraud (or at least signal the cops to harrass them). That would have been good.
My guess is they will all pay eventually for their dishonesty and greed.
besides it may have been hard to set that up in such short notice.
I would have at least raised an eybrow at the company name as it was introduced.
“Icor incorporated Ltd.” Um is that a bit redundant repetative Boss sir?
I have a feeling they will continue to drop hints throughout the show. We’ll see who is clever and who will buy anything.
Someone over at twop pointed out that Mr. N. Paul Todd is an anagram of Donald Trump.
There actually IS an Icor, but it’s obvious from the Web site that it is not the company portrayed in the show.
I find it staggering that someone would go on a show like this and never think to look the company up on the Web.