I swear, with all the conniving, arguing, and plotting, you’d think that I was part of some stupid reality series, and not working on an actual project for class.
For my Children’s Literature class in college, we have a semester project where we get into groups and write a children’s book. Since this is my last semester, I want to do my very best, since I won’t really get a chance to retake/‘re-do’ college after this. However, getting five other people to cooperate can sometimes be challenging.
The other people aren’t flakes by any stretch, its just there is a lot of egotism, apathy, and selfishness happening. Ironically, all 5 of the other members of my group are women, so much of the nastiness is of the feminine type (passive-agressiveness and so forth). I really want this project to be a group effort- I don’t want to be the sole creative person and have everyone else do the legwork; I’d like everybody to have some creative contribution to the plot, illustrations, design, etc. I’ve been prodding other people to start coming up with ideas and actually contribute more than just their ‘task’ (I’m the writer, the rest are the Editor, Illustrator, Designer, and Binder).
Today, the editor told me she “Just plain doesn’t like a certain group member” which is funny because the week before the Designer and Illustrator were harping about how much of a control freak the editor was, and kind of prodding me into standing up to her because they are tired of having her boss them around :rolleyes:
It will be interesting on how this turns out.