My Boss Just Told Me To Clean Out My Desk

It really was just a matter of time, though. I mean, it’s not like I really need that desk. I started telecommuting well over a year ago, and in that time I’ve only gone into the office maybe three or four times. So now they want everyone in my department to come in tomorrow and clear our desks of all personal effects so they can put the space to other use.

So then, bad news: I have to go into the office tomorrow, which means no working in my bathrobe. Good news: This is even more confirmation that my job is 100% work-from-home, and they won’t be changing their minds about it. Woot! :smiley:

Thought I’ve thought many times in the past: “How the hell does someone not notice what forum they’re in when they start a thread?”

I won’t be thinking that one again anytime soon. Someone mind flagging a passing mod? I need a tow over to MPSIMS.

Done. And congratulations, although I found the thread title a bit misleading.

“What about the sheep? Won’t someone think of the sheep?”

Sure, take all the credit. But I’m the guy who did all the heavy lifting.

Congrats on joining the 100% work-at-home crowd, Hal! There’s nothing better than working in your PJs, is there?

Always glad to put my shoulder against the stuck-in-the-snow car just as the wheels engage. :smiley:

Sigh, and I was about to click on that little /!\ when I saw we’d moved already.

Ah, mouseover: saving us from deceptively-titled threads.

I read that as “Someone mind **flogging **a passing mod?”

Eh, tomayto, tomahto… :wink:

If this wasn’t a family-oriented thread, I’d say yes- working in your PJ’s !!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

But, I wont’ say that. So as to preserve the purity of our precious bodily fluids.

Cartooniverse, who 11 weeks ago started a job that has me working in my home 75% of the time. Never done this before. Taking a LOT of getting used to. Like…remembering that it’s okay to walk outside during the day for a moment so I can see the ground and breathe air…

In that case, Gfactor can have all the credit.

I’ve got $10 that says Hal’s #1 reason for telecommuting was “No sheep-posting cow-workers to lock out of my computer.”

envious sigh

Someday I hope to join the bathrobe and slippers commute crowd.

Well, somebody has to say it:

F- you, you lucky b*stard! You get to sit in your underoos playing with your dick and get paid for it. You suck. I hate you.

It’s just as well, though. If I was telecommuting, I’d spend almost as much time playing with my dick in my underoos as I would surfing and posting injudiciously to the SDMB. :o

Congrats, Hal, you A-hole. I’m soooo jealous.

Our percentage of possible naked posters just increased by one.

I’m jealous too! I’d love to find a job where I could work at home.

And the #1 best thing about 100% working-at-home: No officious bitch telling you that you can’t let your ivy crawl up the column…

Welcome to the Dark Side, Hal! The new <ahem> Home Office Professional <ahem> wardrobe will certainly be better than your corporate attire. I do, however, have a disconcerting image of you whacking off in underoos now, thanks to An Arky. :eek:

From someone who’s had the vast majority of her 27 year career working from home…It takes a great deal of discipline to stay with the work and not be doing more fun stuff. The biggest drawback is that you can never go home from work. Work is always there, staring you down evenings and weekends. The benefits far outweigh the negative, though. Working in jammies, setting your own schedule, and no office politics are well worth it.