My Car Smells please help

My care has this mildew or odor smell or some kind of
weird smell when I turn on the AC system, can you recommend me some products that I can use to get rid of the Mildew in the vent system. Or should I take it to the dealer vs. an air conditioning person. Thanks for your time.

At car washes, specialty car stores, and dealerships, they sell these little air freshner things that you can mount right on the air vents. When the air blows through the vents, it will also blow through the air freshner, which will freshen up that nasty smell you speak of.

I’d take it to an AC person. Dealerships are notorious for ripping people off. I don’t think the air freshener thingy is a good idea, except as a temporary fix until you can get it in to be cleaned. You want to get the smell at the source.

I read an article on this recently, and it covered a fairly simple way to attack this problem at the source. I am really kicking myself because I cannot remember what magazine it was in, oh well. Essentially every time you turn your car off water condenses in the air conditioning system allowing fungus, bacteria and other nasties to grow in there. It not only smells bad, but could be bad for your health! I sincerely don’t think an air freshener is what you need, take it to the AC guys and see if there is a way to fix this without tearing everything apart! In the article it mentioned how they could drill a small hole, maybe 1/4" into the intake pipe and spray a fungus/bacteria killing foam in there(or something along those lines). Good Luck!

Ahem – Not ALL dealerships rip you off. I work in a Chevrolet dealership service dept. (No, not a mechanic, but in the service office.)

That said, before you go anywhere to have it fixed, which could be expensive, buy a can of Lysol. Start the car and turn on the A/C. With the A/C on, spray the Lysol into the air inlet. It is usually at the back of the hood. (cowl) It is worth a shot anyway. The cost of a can of Lysol is a lot cheaper that any A/C repair facility.

At the dealership I work at, we always try this first. If it doesn’t work, then see a pro.

Side note:
Despite the bad press, Febreeze is a godsend. Likely the mildewy smell has also permeated your carpets and seats. Give the fabric a good coating of Febreeze (or some similar product) and let dry. It worked for my car when I had osprey vomitus all over the back seat, and believe me, that stuff lingers. (Don’t ask. Long story.) I keep a bottle in the car for when I have to go out on a rescue.

Good luck, and have the A/C checked.

Before you take it anywhere, crank the heater full blast (meaning highest heat with fill air recirc), close the windows and doors, and let it run for a while. Lots of hot air moving through the system will take care of all but the most stubborn bios. If you feel compeled to go further, find the return air registers, and maybe even the fresh air intakes, and spray a small amount of a fine mist of bleach diluted with water into them. Needless to say, don’t stay in the car while you are doing this.

I’ve heard about the Lysol, I would like to know if it is dangerous because I sometimes take my kids into the car and so if I use the Lysol should I avoid using the care for any periods of time.

Someone mention to turn the heater on full blast, well I currently live in Houston, Tx. and it is damn (please excuse my language) hot there this past summer and has not helped any hehe.

If anyone know of an AC place I can take it to in Houston, Tx. please let me know and I will try it after I try the Lysol.

thanks for all input so far, but I never decline any extra good input.

When you park after using your A/C, does water drip on the ground? I ask because it sounds like maybe the drainage system outlet is blocked. I live in FL, so I use my A/C all the time & have never had a mildew smell from it. I’ve had other problems, like a compressor dying or running out of coolant, but never a bad smell, so this is not a normal condition.

The heater is to cycle through your vents, and will provide a much different environment than just 110 degree air temperature.

And the back of the Lysol can should give you any precautions you should be aware of. But its certainly not something to do right before you get in the car to go somewhere. Given an hour or so to air out, its just like using Lysol around the house.

For this weekend I will try the Lysol and the heat air cycling and will keep a close lookout on the drainage system of the water under the car after AC is turned off of the car. Thank you all.

Heh, remember that episode of Seinfeld where some guy who rode in Jerry’s car made it smell so bad of b/o that he ended up getting rid of it?


I’m easily amused.

I was too lazy to take the trash cans down manually from the top of our driveway [very steep] and I put them in the trunk, there was some water in them, and it seeped into the trunk, soaking the carpet back there.

The next day, the entire car reeked!! I tried washing it out, putting down baking soda [helped mildly] but the best was the ** Febreze [sp??] ** that has already been mentioned. FINALLY it’s taken a week, but the car smells like CAR once again!

Good luck!