I’ve got a problem in which my car squeals for a while when I first start up. If I’m standing still, it’s louder if I’m in park or neutral than if I’m in gear. It generally seems to get louder as RPMs increase. It will go away after about 30 seconds if I start driving (I’ve never just idled and seen how long it would take for it to go that way), though sometimes it will come back if I have to idle again. It does seem to be somewhat temperature related–we had some -20F weather a few months ago and the squealing lasted longer then. However, it didn’t squeal this morning (when it was still below freezing) but it did on my way home this evening (when it was warmer).
I had my serpentine belt replaced about 4500 miles ago (back in November or December). It did it then, and the mechanic said that one of the reasons was because the belt was bad. I opened up the hood this evening while it was squealing and it did seem to be coming from that general area.
Any ideas? Did the mechanic put on one that was the wrong size or put it on incorrectly? Is it a sign of damage? I know serpentine belts are important–should I have this looked into right away? Or is it just something that will make me feel slightly embarrased when I start my car around people?
I’ve heard other cars in my neighborhood with the same problem, so maybe it’s just something with old cars. Oh, I have a '93 Saturn with around 169k miles (though a new engine was put in at ~130k). I’ve been following the maintenence schedule in the owner’s manual.