My career is flagging, should I eat my cat's faeces?

This thread is more than I can swallow.

Next thing you know it, someone’s going to litter the thread with bad puns.

It mat take some time for that to pan out.

You don’t need to eat the cat’s poop. Just don’t fight it when it suddenly sticks its paw in your mouth.

I think you need to chew on this one for a while.

Have you read this article?

Toxo™ shots to save you the horrible taste.

Defiantly, anyone who tells you not to hates science.

It is well known :slight_smile: that adults are non-optimally risk adverse. And T. gondii exposure is not the only form of acquired brain injury that is associated with risky behavior. Have you considered syphilis as an alternative?

It’s a gateway stool. Pretty soon you’ll be sucking on cat farts and managing a 20-store MacDonalds franchise. It ain’t pretty.

If it’s a thing, Amazon would be selling it by now. Or maybe organic is better…