My cat pooped this morning.

Last Thurs night, Art started throwing up. He cried whenever I picked him up and didn’t like his belly touched. Friday morning, we took him into the Vet. $250 later, we were told that they aren’t sure what’s wrong with him, but that thought he might have had some type of intestinal blockage. We were send home with some antibiotics, and some high calorie cat food. He wasn’t eating, and the Vet told us that we had to force feed him if he refused.

We got him home and he ate a bit of his regular cat food. My wife called the vet who said that if he ate and didn’t throw up within 15min, it is not an intestinal blockage. So, I went back to the vet to get some - and I’m not making this up - Cat Lax[sup]TM[/sup]. We spent the weekend force feeding our cat really stinky food, cat lax, and antibiotic pills. He was not happy.

We watched him all weekend. He wasn’t eating much, but he was eating. The problem was that he wasn’t pooping. He was acting a little off all week. It didn’t seem like he was in pain, but he was moving slowly. He would still demand his pettins though. He seemed happy and would even play a bit if it didn’t require him to move too much. Last night my wife and I decided that we would have to take him in for more tests tomorrow and made an appt for him.

Well, this morning, HE POOPED! He seems to be acting very much himself too. I’m not sure what the next couple of days will bring, but hopefully he’s recovering from whatever it is that was wrong with him.

He has an alluring fuzzy quality to him.

Glad he’s doing better. One of my cats was constipated a few weeks ago, so much so that at first I thought she either had a huge tumor or was pregnant and I somehow hadn’t noticed until that day. (She is feral and not spayed but is 100% indoors and has no access to unneutered male cats.) Her belly was enormous. I was really worried but then one night she pooped and everything went back to normal.

I think it’s because I had been giving her kitten food in an attempt to fatten her up. (It worked.) Back to regular foods now!

The kittehz, the ways of their lil GI’s are mysterious. Our Kitty Katherine throws up for no particular reason once every 14-21 days.

Hope your Art is feeling his old self again real soon. Headbutts to ya…

Great news, Brewha!
I’ll bet you never thought that cat poo would make you so happy!
I’m glad all is well with Art this morning, and hopefully, he will continue to have normal, uneventful poos.

Yeah, there’s nothing like a good poop.

Oooh, Art’s pretty. I’m glad he’s feeling better.

Art is a great name for a cat. I’m glad all is well.

lots of good skritches to art for a job well done!

Thanks everyone. I dont’ know that he’s completely back to his normal self - I’ve been at work all day. But I’ll post back and let you all know how he is after I get home.

I really didn’t consider myself a cat person. But seeing as how a married one along with her two cats, I guess I’ve become one. The getting excited about cat poo tipped me off!

Yes, Art will get his skritches and pettins tonight. He’s not much of a headbutter though - that’s taken care of by our other cat.

MissBunny, I’m glad to hear everything went back to normal after your kitty poo’d. I hope the same will happen here.

CP, Art’s name was a big draw to my wife when she got him. She went to the humane society to get some pet stain remover for her roomate’s dog. She saw a kitty with the name Art and had to at least give him a visit. The next day, she brought me in to meet him (we were just dating at the time) and we ended up taking him home.

So how Art thou?


I’m guessing a lot more cat poop.

Seriously, keep an eye on him. With the laxative and the antibiotics, he’s gonna’ be drinking a lot of water, and before it’s all over he’s gonna’ get … um … “runny” is the only way to say it. And when cats aren’t used to that, they don’t know to clean themselves properly. All I’m sayin’ is, keep an eye on things.

Hooray for poop! :slight_smile: (I guess I’ve cheered for odder things.)

Now I’ve got the Spam song stuck in my head except replace Spam with poop.

I know how you feel. The dog ate a toy this fall and had some blockage. Took him to the vet where they did xrays and decided it wasn’t backing up YET and we should see if he could get it out on his own. So special dog food was purchased that would be easier to push through and I was told if he started either throwing up or not eating to bring him back - and to follow him around and watch for poop. Nothing quite like following your dog around the lawn for 24 hours while he strains and squirts. But that he was squirting was good. Then, all of a sudden, big squirt! I’ve never been so excited to clean up such as disgusting mess.

Obviously a woman of great intelligence and perception.

Well, Art seemed to be back to his normal self last night. So it seems all is well. We’re still keeping him on the antibiotics for another week and we will watch him closely, but he’s on the road to recovery.