My computer is giving me blisters (surprisingly NOT porn related)

I know, I know, when I think computers and blisters, I think porn and inadequate lube, but this is not one of those cases.

Somehow I’ve picked up a new habit using my computer that has resulted in two blisters so far. On the side of the laptop, right under the escape key, there’s an exhaust port that blows pretty damn hot air. I have several apps that require frequent use of the escape key, and I’ve taken to pretty much hovering my index finger over it when I use these apps. The other fingers hang down next to it, in the airflow. At first I noticed it was hot, but it didn’t seem dangerously hot.

Then I noticed a blister on my middle finger, in an unusual place, on the side of the fingertip rather than the front where it might be more expected. Pretty big, too, about dime sized, liquid filled bubble and all. That healed after a couple of weeks, and then I felt a new one developing.

:smack: Finally, I made the connection, between the port and the blisters. I’ve had this computer for a couple of years, and this is new, so all I can figure is the sometime recently I stopped keeping my other fingers balled up and instead let them dangle. I still find myself doing it.