Seeing as how it’s a single 128 MB DIMM. I mean, I know the 1,000KB=1MB vs. 1,024 KB=1MB will result in some variance depending on the program doing the reporting, but it shouldn’t be a whole 10%+ off, right?
So I figure I have a bad DIMM and will replace it shortly, but if this is the case, why is my computer working at all? (And pretty darn well at that?)
Also, what other symptoms would manifest themselves if it is bad RAM?
SV24 barebones (small case, VIA FV24 mobo)
128 MB PC100 RAM
950 MHz Celeron (non-OCed)
Windows 2K, SP1 (I’ll get around to the others!)
Could be that the stick is being shared with video memory, although 26MB is an awfully odd number for that.
And a 128MB stick of RAM should actually have 128MB–if you watch the count that happens on the first or second screen when you boot up, it’ll say something like “131924KB of memory available”.
no, your ram is not defective. Your motherboard has a built in video card and sound, these often use some of your system memory. If its working, dont worry about it.
Ummm… I’m not a math whiz but 128 megs RAM - 16 for video = 112 total remaining for system use which is what the PC is reporting. Why is this odd, it seems correct?
It seemed odd because I noticed the 112 before I realized the 16 MB was being drafted into graphics use. Never had/used onboard video before, you see. All seems clear now, though.
Clear as in, :smack: “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Depends on what you use it for. I have a machine running 2k with only 64 MB ram but it doesn’t do much more than act as an internet gateway and do some really basic internet type things (web surfing, downloading things, etc).
To the OP:
Bad ram usually shows up as protection violations (the old general protection fault, or illegal operation, or whatever they call the error on your particular version of windows).
I’ll have to wait until I get them again :knocks on wood: but they were some sort of “hard error” whatever that means. (Not your typical BSOD, but a blue screen all the same, before Windows was finished loading.)
Unfortunately, I’m sure it’ll be just a matter of time before they show up again.