My crazy kids stories. (kinda long)

Just a few mundane pointless stories about my crazy kids that I must share. I am home in the summer, being a teacher, and since this summer started, I have been amazed to see what my kids can accomplish. Please share some of your experiences, so I know I am not alone in this.

My two year old little girl went out to the kitchen, and after about 3-4 minutes, I went out to check on her. She must have been hungry, because she was biting into a banana (peel and all). She must not have liked the taste though, because she had bit into four of them!

I woke up a few mornings ago, and went to make my bowl of cereal. I thought we had some milk, but couldn’t find any. When my wife got up, I asked her to pick up some milk on her way home from work. She stated that we had some. Hmmmm? We went upstairs, and my 4 year old son, apparently very thirsty, had taken the whole gallon into bed along with a half-gallon of orange juice. Needless to say, the place was a mess!

I won’t go into detail on when my son threw his toys out the upstairs window, the many toys that have been stuffed into the VCR and toilet by my daughter and so on.

Look forward to hearing your stories soon.

The 2yr old girl and 3 yr old boy at my house throw everything out the window. They aren’t allowed in the kitchen because of what they’d do in there, but despite the baby gates the two of them are little monkeys and climb in regularly. They enjoy getting cookies and taking one bite out of each in the box.

They’re both still in diapers (a source of endless frustration here about the 3yr old boy) and they used to both enjoy removing the diapers and throwing those out the window, too. Now the 2 yr old girl is the only one removing her diaper regularly. Her great passion seems to be taking handfuls of poop from her diaper and smearing it on the butts of her stuffed animals, claiming that they need to go potty.

The boy can’t listen, he throws intense tantrums and enjoys eating ants.

I can’t wait till they are both in school.

Well lets see…

My 2 year old likes to ride her rocking horse. She hold onto the handle bars and puts her feet on the front springs and hangs in front of the horse and bounces. No wimpy saddle for her!

She regularly scales our entertainment center (thankfully we have all the furniture strapped to the walls)

When we play outside with her tricycle she tries to stand on the seat and hold the handlebars and then she asks us to push her. She’s never happy when we tell her to sit and peddle!

Her sit n spin has been dubbed the stand n spin n fall on your head.

China bambina has been going through a LOUD phase lately.

We have an 18 hour plane flight back to the US tomorrow. To all of you sitting in economy class - bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha!

Hahah mine do that too, they use theirs as a climbing tool so as better to reach the stuff on the counter that they aren’t supposed to touch.

Not too long ago I had a five minute conversation with my four year old before it dawned on me what was wrong with the picture - he was kneeling on the dining room table drinking a can of soda. It took me that long to realize he was doing something both forbidden and dangerous.

acrossthesea… mine drags the kitchen chairs everywhere to help her reach stuff. She also puts her little chairs on the coffee table for better height so we had to put the coffee table away for now. We couldn’t put anything on it anyway as she’d get into it all.

Mrs. KVS went food shopping once, and came home with 4 or 5 tomatoes. She set the bags down on the kitchen floor when she got home to check on something. When she came back, one of the kids (I don’t remember which one) had the tomatoes out, and had taken a bite from each one.

Then there was the time that I was home with the (little) kids while Mrs. KVS was at a meeting. The mommy hamster escaped from the cage, and I was chasing it around the apartment. My sister happened to show up and helped me corner the hamster and catch it. In the meantime, my oldest managed to open a box of Tide which was sitting on the sofa. There was powder everywhere.

Once I was taking a nap with my then 3-year-old. She woke up before me, got into my lipstick, and with it, drew a picture of a person on the side of my head. (It was summertime, so my head was partially shaved.)

Once I awoke to a kitchen full of ripped-open tea bags. An entire, brand-new box, and each and every one was opened and the contents dumped on the floor.

In a store and very loudly, she pointed out the “band-aids for when mommies bleed from their private parts”. Yeah. They were, of course, maxi pads.

My kid pulled a fire-alarm once. And accidentally managed to call 911 another time.

When she was 3 she stripped down to her underwear in Wal-Mart and I had to chase her and re-dress her.

She is very sociable. She strikes up polite conversation with strangers everywhere we go (of course, I am right there with her.) She introduces herself, introduces me, and even sometimes will offer a handshake. She’s been doing this since she was 4 (an age where I still cowered behind my mother!)

She’s a handful, but she’s wonderful and I’m so happy I get to be in her life. :slight_smile:

I bought some lemons for a recipe. I put them in the fruit bowl along with the apples, banana’s and grapes. It looked purty enough to paint.

About two days later, I was ready to use a lemon and couldn’t find the three I bought.

To this day, months later, I have never found them.

I am sure, between my little winged weasal children ( 5 and 3, one of each) the said lemons will turn up much worse for wear in the oddest spot.