My crime? 1st degree potty training.
See, we’ve been teaching The Littlest Briston all the emergency basics lately – what to do if she gets lost, who to go to if she needs help, we had her memorize her address, all that good stuff.
We also taught her what to do if “something bad happens” when she’s at home. We took the phone and showed her how to press “9-1-1-Talk”. We explained that we never do this if there isn’t something wrong, since then the police would come and they’d be mad at her, but if there were really something wrong then she should call 911.
So, now we’re in the midst of potty training. We’ve had several breakthroughs, and we think we’re close*. Since our day care center is closed for the next several days, we figured this would be the perfect time for “boot camp” potty training – no diapers, no pull-ups, nothing but big girl underwear (unless we have to go out – she can wear a diaper when we leave the house, but we’re trying to avoid that as much as possible). If she pees herself, so be it, she’ll eventually learn.
She’s not happy about the situation. At all. She’s gone on the potty a few times, and is thrilled when she does so, but for much of the time she a bit of a crank about the whole deal. So when we got home a bit ago, we told her it was time to lose the diaper and put on her big girl underwear. A few minutes later, I heard a beeping sound coming from the living room. I walk in and see TLB holding the phone to her ear. I take it from her, and hear “911 – what’s your emergency?”
I explained to the operator that we had just taught our three-year-old about 911. He understood (my sister-in-law, a cop, told me that they get these calls all the time), and just confirmed my name and address.
We hung up, and I sat TLB down and explained once again that we do not call 911 unless there is an emergency, and that needing to go potty did not qualify as an emer***<ding dong!>***…
Oh, crap. We don’t get visitors here. Ever. There’s no way it’s a coincidence that this doorbell, that rings maybe once a week, just rang minutes after the 911 incident. I go to the front door, and yep, it’s da cops. For the second time in five minutes, I launch into my explanation. I had to tell a very bemused officer that it was my little girl, trying to report me for child abuse, who made the call.
Little narc.
*Actually, in the 90 minutes since I started typing this, she’s peed twice and pooped once. Good girl!