I’m alot more comfortable reading threads than starting them, but about 7:30 this morning I was awaken by the sound of my wife shouting Fire Fire to find that my garage was ablaze. The fire depment soon arrived and had it out in realitive short order. Unfourtunatly the contents and the company truck I drive would seem to be a toal loss. I am insured but I have never had to file any kind of insurance claim so I don’t really know what I should do other than call the insurance company, which I have already done. What now?
That’s a good question to ask your insurance agent. The agent should be able to tell you how to rent a substitute vehicle if necessary, and how to get it billed to insurance. The agent should also be able to give you info on who to contact about getting the remainder of the mess cleared up and all that.
That’s where I’d start anyway.
Keep us posted!
Good luck. Glad it wasn’t worse. It’ll be hard, but keep reminding yourself that you could have lost far more important things.
Having been-there-done-that several times; albeit from a difference perspective, the best place I can point you to is this web site:
The Chief in East Haven pretty much hit everything you can do or expect after a fire. As you go through the procedures everyone has for this sort of thing (local fire department, insurance, building officials, zoning, etc), you’ll see that its nowhere close to being friendly to the person who just suffered a (in most cases) significant loss.
Good luck - and let us know if you need anything.
You should take photos of the area from various angles and distances. This is in case there is a dispute between you and the insurance company, the photos may help you document the loss in some way.