My dog can't eat chocolate

For those of you that know this…move along, nothing new to see here.

For anyone else, and in the spirit of mundane shit I must share, please don’t feed my dog (or yours) any chocolate. Yes, that’s right, the nectar of the gods (chocolate) is poison to dogs.

I had been told that the liver of a dog could not process it, and so it became as a toxin to the dog. This is not the real story.

After doing a bit of reading on the subject I found that it’s actually because chocolate contains theobromine. When ingested by a dog this causes a release of epinephrine which cause the heart to race and can make caridiac arrythmias occur. See this link for more:

So as we eat our favorite chocolate munchies, although the puppy begs and begs, just say no and eat it all yourself. (I hear you out there; “As if I was going to share anyways…grumble, grumble”)

What about chocolate flavored things though? Since it’s an imitation chocolate flavored ho-ho or whatever, would the dog still get sick from eating it?

Any experts out there?

Hmm. Look what came up as Hit #10 during a Google search for “dog chocolate toxic”. I bet Handy had forgotten all about it…