Winston, my beagle mix, has watched by cat Boris get long pet jobs accompanied by loud cat purring. Now when he jumps in my lap, he has a low growl that sounds like a purr.
Nordberg, the other beagle has not followed suit.
Dogs are not supposed to purr.
I’m only posting this to screw with everyone who is thinking “I bet the very first response will be a link to that barking cat”.
I had a dog that purred, too. He was a chow/shepherd mix. (I also had a different dog named Winston! He was awesome.)
Mice purr, too. Not audibly, but if you’re petting them you can feel the vibrations.
My dog has a low moan she gives out when I’m rubbing her belly just right - and I’m always afraid what people on the other end of the phone are hearing and what they are thinking…
This is the terrible byproduct of miscegenation! Dogs and cats living together…real wrath of God stuff!
My wonderful dog Lady who died earlier this year would purr like a kitten. She would just be lying there, purring contentedly. If you scratched her the purring would intensify. I really, really, really miss that dog…:(! She was my best friend.
But yeah, she purred up a storm.
You sure he didn’t swallow a vibrator?
Winston started it after watching my cat purr loudly. He did not come up with it himself.
Somewhere in the depths of youtube there is a video of a purring sqirrel - the squirrel was raised by a cat/with kittens something like that and learned how to purr.
Bunnies purr sort of - they do this tooth grinding thing when they are in the zone.
So, I’m trying to purr, but I don’t get it. I have purr without breathing and somewhat while inhaling, but I cannot exhale and purr.