My 'dream ending' to this nightmare

My dream ending is that he just doesn’t fuck things up too badly and either doesn’t re-run or gets defeated in 2020. That’s pretty much the best you can hope for.

No music so sweet in the whole world as well-off liberals unloading hate on the poor and weak.
So shrill ! So harmonious ! So gleeful !

So trollful!

Fuck off.

That’s how I see it too.

For a while we wore these little pins, celebrating that. I still have mine.
Well, not that specifically, but the war in general.

So… Trump getting arrested for fraud in the next two weeks and the Electoral College voting Clinton/Pence is off the table completely?

Yup, the only poor and weak people whose bad choices are allowed to be truthfully called out as counterproductive and unsustainable are urban non-whites.

Come on you silly liberals, stop “hating” on the wrong kind of poor and weak people—namely, the white ones!

My dream is that Trump will keep his promises and murder all non-white males. Then AMERICA will be GREAT again.

Papa Smurf! Drunky Smurf is forgetting again what color he is! :smiley:

Forgets about where he is coming from too…

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein’s call to raise funds to support vote recounts in three key states was met with ease late Wednesday, with the fundraiser quickly exceeding its $2 million goal.

Stein’s press director announced Wednesday afternoon that the Green Party candidate needed an initial $2 million to support recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three states where President-elect Donald Trump performed better than expected.

Within hours, Stein’s fundraiser rapidly gained traction. Just after 11 p.m. EST, supporters had donated $1.9 million, then it climbed past $2 million before midnight. The goal was surpassed about eight hours after Stein’s announcement was delivered over Facebook Live. Just before 3 a.m. EST, the fund surpassed $2.5 million. By Thursday evening, that total had soared passed $4 million mark, hitting a $4.5 million goal around 11 p.m.

Stein’s campaign originally set out to raise $2 million by Friday afternoon, in time to meet Wisconsin’s Nov. 25 deadline and $1.1 million filing fee. But the candidate secured enough funds for all of Wisconsin’s, Pennsylvania’s and part of Michigan’s filing fees before Thursday.

The multiple-state effort will take more than the initial request of $2 million, Stein’s campaign wrote on its fundraiser page, which displays a goal of $2.5 million.
“The costs associated with recounts are a function of state law,” Stein’s campaign wrote. “Attorney’s fees are likely to be another $2-3 million, then there are the costs of the statewide recount observers in all three states. The total cost is likely to be $6-7 million.”
It looks like at least someone has the backing and the money and the desire to have an election audit and possibly a recount. She won’t win he presidency, but she apparently believes it is still worth raising a stink about it. Apparently a lot of others do too… they are backing her play.