My DVD Buying Addiction

Just over 300. Many are Universe Laser Hong Kong dvd’s that cost about $5.50 American, with no sales tax. A lot of others are box sets such as The Decalogue and the complete Monty Python. I am addicted to the Criterion Collection. But I’m different from Cervaise, in that special features aren’t a big deal to me, so long as the movie is good and the picture is good quality. I got an HDTV and progressive scan dvd with my last tax refund, and the anamorphic dvd’s look incredible. I can sit closer to my 55" tv than I could my 32" tv without noticing the scan lines. At eight feet, an anamorphic dvd shows no scan lines and is rock solid. I’ve tried some VHS tapes of movies that aren’t available on DVD (dammit, where the hell is “Wicker Man” and the Astaire/Rogers movies?) and even non-anamorphic dvd’s blow away VHS. The anamorphic dvd’s are–literally–incredible. I did not believe that the picture would look that good. I am in movie geek heaven.

Just added a new disc to the collection. With my previous purchase this week, it puts me at 150 DVDs.

Just bought the Special Edition Celluloid Closet DVD with all the extras, and on Tuesday, found Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. I love movies. I shall now have a moment of joygasm with my entertainment center.

I have been addicted for about a month now. I got my DVD player for christmas, but no DVDs. At first, I only used my player to play movies that I borrowed from my library. I had no DVDs until my birthday. (April 4) For my birthday, I recieved commando and the 6th day.

Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago. During that time, I bought several DVDs. They are: Toy Story & toy Story 2: The Ultimate Toy Box, The Matrix, Terminator 2: The Ultimate Edition DVD (single disc version), **Fight Club, This Is Spinal Tap, Spaceballs, Escape From New York, Fortress, **and The Arrival/Arrival II double feature (hey, it was only $10…)

I think that brings my total up to 12 movies. There could be some I have forgotten, though.

Of course, there are still many more that I want, err need to own. Right now, the “DVDs I need” list on my computer is up to 20, and those are just the discs I absolutely have to get.

There is a cure for this, right?

Yes: the introduction of the next home video format. :stuck_out_tongue:

That would be the upcoming HD-DVD, or dvd’s that confom to the HDTV standard. The most likely standard for HD-DVD is 720 progressive, which would be more than twice the detail of the highest current dvd resolution of 480 progressive.

The key to this technology is the use of a blue laser, which allows for an exponential increase in the amount of storage space on the dvd, allowing for more highly detailed picture. The biggest opponent is the movie industry, which doesn’t want higher resolution home video, because that makes pirating good quality copies easier.

The big advantage is that this format will be backwards compatable with current dvd’s, much like the PS2 is with the PS1. The increase in detail will be much lower than dvd is over VHS. Though some movies will undoubtedly be rereleased in the new format, unless there are some extraordinary extras included, there would be no reason to replace a current dvd with an hd-dvd.

Yep, I just bought two more movies today. And the whole time in the store I was thinking about this thread and what I posted above.

I just couldn’t resist… so say hello to:

The Legend of the Drunken Master and I’m Gonna Git You Sucka

Since I kicked the caffeine habit, DVDs are my only weakness now. I usually get two per month. At one point, a while back, I was getting two a week. I sacrificed lunch to finance the binges. My Wish List is longer than I care to remember.

Next on my list:
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Schindler’s List

Say, does TLotDM have the original Chinese dialogue with subtitles, or is it all dubbed?

You have a strange definition of kicking the habit, li’l miss coffee drinker…

It’s English dub only, but not only that, they’ve replaced the entire soundtrack including music and sound effects. At leas Jackie and Anita do their own dubs on this one.

Disney does all of their Hong Kong rereleases this way: no original language dialog available. They do it to hide the fact that they’ve replaced the entire soundtrack; if they included original language, it would be obvious that the music is vastly different.

They also tend to shorten longer movies and make stupid changes to the titles. “Fong Sai Yuk” became “The Legend”, wasn’t dubbed by Jet Li (who speaks English about as well as Jackie Chan, and he dubs his films), and had about 10 minutes of character development cut. To be fair, the man who dubs Li is a wonderful voice actor, but I’d still prefer to hear Li’s own voice.

Colombia TriStar rereleases of Hong Kong and Chinese movies are much better; they offer the original language track, dubs keep the original music, they are usually anamorphic, and they are not cut.

I have faint hope that market forces will slowly change this. Disney was originally going to release the DVD of “Princess Mononoke” as dub-only, and after a paperstorm of letters and petitions and whatnot, released it properly. That had the benefit of anime fans being, for the most part, pretty adamant about the dub-versus-original language issue.

For live-action Hong Kong releases especially, things might be helped by the success of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” Fingers crossed, in any case.

The siren song of pre-recorded videos is hard to resist. In the years I’ve owned a VCR, I’ve only bought tapes occasionally, stuff I really liked or I wasn’t sure would be around long or that I couldn’t rent. I’ve accumulated forty tapes, including 6 Disneys, the 5-tape Ernie Kovacs set, and the 8-tape complete Bell Science Series!

I want to keep my DVD purchases down, but I can’t resist the Muppet Show DVDs!

Well, I’ve only got maybe…25. However, my collection is steadily growing at the speed I can afford it (which should speed up after I start my new job).

Though, I know this guy (a friend of a friend), who has over 350 DVD’s! It’s really astounding: he gets pretty much anything that even remotely interests him, as soon as it comes out. Now that’s an addiction.

Oh hush. :stuck_out_tongue:

elfkin477, ordering all three X-Files seasons sets at once? I’m so envious! (BTW, Season 4 is coming out sometime this month, I think.)

Ooh, AudreyK, maybe after that you can get the Serial Experiments Lain box set, huh?


We need an evil eye smiley, dammit.

I think we should start a support group or something. It’d be big, I bet.

Sounds more like hypnosis, Mikahw. Maybe Reveen could add a section to his act.

What would you think of using hypnosis for it, AudreyK? :wink:
Oooooo…I bet I’d be getting the evil eye smilie, right now. :smiley:

Good bet. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dunno about Fred and Ginger but, as you may know by now, *The Wicker Man * has just been released by Anchor Bay.

There are two editions, of course. (Eyeroll – those bastards!) The one to get is, also of course, the “Limited Edition,” which not only comes in a very nice wooden box that you will have a bitch of a time fitting on your shelf, but which also features two discs: one with the original theatrical release, and one with the longer version containing all the stuff that was hacked out. Oh, and there’s a very nice documentary on the making of the film on disc one.

Um, yeah, I did buy it, btw. For fans of the movie it comes massively recommended.