My email account was hacked!

I just logged in to find that all the msgs in my inbox had been deleted and that obscene messages had been sent out in my name. I’m so angry and embarrassed I could scream. I’m going to delete this account. It’s going to take forever.

I just moved, goddammit, and I’m working two jobs and going to school. I don’t need this! Arrrrgh.

Did you have your password saved on some computer somewhere?

Change your password immediately, and you shouldn’t have to worry anymore.

Where did you move to? Still in sunny Canada?

Is it possible that he’s gotten a virus? Do you download things? Should we worry about his hard drive being eaten?

Sounds fishy to me, matt. Sounds like someone here sent out a bunch of nasty messages and now is trying to cover his tracks. :slight_smile:

Princess of the Time and Space Continuum since 1969 (upgraded to Goddess 01/07/00)-

OK, we have enough youth. How about a fountain of smart. =^…^=

I think what it was was that I logged into Hotmail on a public 'puter and didn’t log out before they were able to go back into it.

I changed my password. I thought of deleting the whole account but I’m thinking that it may not be worth the trouble.

And I was able to tell at least three of the people who were affected that aaaagh it wasn’t me.

btw: I’m still in Canada… still in Montreal in fact. I just moved across town.

I read in the newspaper today that my ISP was hacked into, and that the ISP had advised its subscribers to change their passwords. Well, that was news to me. My father uses the same ISP, and nobody had told him either. So he called the ISP up and they told him that they knew which customers were affected and had sent them emails advising them to change their passwords.

Now to me, this seems like the equivalent of sending someone a postcard warning them that someone’s got hold of their mailbox key …

OK, you left your hotmail account open without logging out on a public computer. So, your email wasn’t really hacked by an intruder. You just need to be more careful about logging out. I have trouble reminding myself to do that, also.

Still, whoever deleted your messages is quite cruel. I could see maybe sending some harmless messages as a prank, but sending obscene messages is cruel, too.

Well, that could be it. But I can send email & make it seem its from anyone very easily.

The thing with hotmail is people send you info on how to hack hotmail email accounts. In order to get someones PW you must send them your PW & the acct you want the PW for. Its just a stupid attempt to get YOUR PW. So be wise to that.

Using web email on a public computer, be wary of this trick. If you don’t go clear the cache files (and all the stored links to pages you visit) then someone can find the page where you logged on, hit submit, and relog on to your account using the screen you left in cache.

If you use a public computer, after you log off your email account, do three things.

  1. Clear the cache folder. You can use the menu bar and find it there. I clear both memory and disk cache.

  2. Clear the location bar. That’s the menu under the location (URL) field that typically stores links.

  3. Clear the Go history. Either quit the application, or do the following. Go back before you logged in. Take that web page, and follow some other link. It will clear your trail.

Anybody know of any other cache, history, or trails that need to be deleted?