My First Tonsil Stone

So I was sprawled across my bed reading and felt something weird in my mouth. Hmmm- did I lose a filling? I spit it out into my hand. What the Hell? A strange , pea-sized, grayish-brown rocky looking thing. What is it? Could it be…a TONSIL STONE? Recalling the information I have read on the SDMB, I slowly…hesitantly…brought the thing up to my nose.


It’s horrible! It’s disgusting! It…

came out of my MOUTH.

After about 10 minutes of dry heaving and another 10 brushing my teeth and gargling, a strange sense of belonging started to come over me.

Now I know.

I look forward to the next thread on tonsil stones.

Been there, done that.

The weird thing is, I never got these things until a few months after I first read about them on the SMDB. Now I get them quite a lot. I blame the Board…


One night a couple of years ago, my husband and I had gone out to eat at Pizza Hut. We were sitting there waiting for our order when all of a sudden my husband made this tiny little cough sound … not really a cough, but it’s hard to explain how it sounded. Anyway, this thing came flying out of his mouth and landed on my side of the table. It was a tonsil stone. Totally hilarioud.
Alas, I haven’t gotten one since I had my tonsils removed when I was in eighth grade.

Oh, good Lord. That’s hilarious, obviously. :smack:

I didn’t cough or gag or anything- it was just simply all of a sudden THERE.
Good Lord I hope I don’t EVER have any more. ICK.

I used to get them a lot, in high school and college, but haven’t had one in ages. I guess the holes in my tonsils closed up or something.

I assure you, it wasn’t your first. It may be just the first you’ve noticed. Sweet dreams.

I’d get the occasional chick-pea sized tonsil stone here and there…I never identified them as being from my tonsils…but that all changed about 5 years ago…

I noticed that the back of my tongue felt odd when I swallowed… it felt like I had swallowed a hair or something. So I finally get annoyed enough and get a toothbrush and go to work brushing the back of my tongue…and all of a sudden, I’m choking and coughing blood and yellow chunks into the sink! What the…??

I get a flashlight and my right tonsil is all swollen and there are more yellow chunks in the little pockets. I went to a Dr. and he said they were normal. I asked him if I could just have my tonsils removed. He said no.

I’ve been able to get a decent amount of crud out of this one tonsil ever since. The last time I went to Dr. I was told yet again I couldn’t get them removed. Every time I get cold or allergies it swells up and even makes my ear hurt.

Did you taste it?

Gak… no. I rinsed it with copious amounts of water before I could.

What amazes me is my oral hygeine has never been lacking, and this thing still persists.