My girlfriend and my computer are paired. How did this happen?

I bought a refurbished computer. I picked it up on the way to my girlfriends so hers was the first network that I sign on to for WiFi. Everything worked great except that her internet bookmarks show up on my computer and all the sites that I have been bookmarking show up on her computer. I am back home now and this is still happening.
How could this have happened and how do I undo it?

It sounds like the web browser you’re using uses cloud profiles (Chrome, for instance), and that she logged in to her profile.

What OS, what browser? All browsers have some means to save bookmarks to the cloud, so you must be logged in to her account/profile in the relevant manner and syncing. Just joining a WiFi network would not do this. She must have logged in to her account while using the computer.

My first thought when I saw the thread title is that you came home to find your girlfriend in bed with the computer.

I thought the girlfriend had built-in Bluetooth.

Right. I am using Google Chrome which I downloaded at her house but we did not share any login information. She has her own laptop and uses Chrome also.

She logged into her Chrome (Google) account on your computer. Look at the top right corner of your browser, you will see a little circular icon. Click on it and a menu appears. What does the first item on the menu say?

Well, we mucked around with sych since this post but it doesn’t say anything now. It’s asking me if I want to sych devices. I think her and I turned that off.
I am still wondering how that could possibly happen without permissions.

This could have been awkward . . .

She must have logged into her account on your computer at some stage. If “your” bookmarks were only stored locally on your browser but were not associated with any Google account, I think one of the options when she first logged in on that machine would have been to merge all bookmarks stored locally with those associated with her account. She must have chosen that option, and presumably later logged out. Once that merge is done, it won’t be undone by logging out - that’s a feature, what she did is user error not a bug. She has merged all her bookmarks with yours, and that new large set of bookmarks are now all associated with her login and also all stored locally on your machine. There’s no way back unless you have backed up your bookmarks, which have now learned the hard way that you should do.

You need to set up your own Google account if you don’t have one, and stay logged in to it on your machine. The you will “own” your own independent library of bookmarks that are associated with your own login, not just stored locally on your machine. If either of you are using each others’ machine, switch to your own account and your own bookmarks will appear and can be used or modified without interfering with the other person’s bookmarks.

The title reminded me of an old story that has been doing the rounds in various guises since the days a Windows 95.

It can’t, but permission can consist of simply clicking “OK” or pressing enter. I see this happen a lot at the school I work at. Students open Chrome on a school computer and get the “Log in to Chrome” popup. It’s not necessary to log in, but they don’t notice the skip button, just log in and blindly click OK on everything, not realizing that they’ve just told it to sync bookmarks. It also frequently causes their personal photos (which they may not want spread around) to get automatically synced to the school’s computer.

Well, you do have to enter your Google password initially before those options are presented.

For what it’s worth, when I saw the thread title, I expected that whenever his girlfriend talked, the sound came out of his computer speakers. Or vice-versa.

I’ve been in the situation where both Girlfriend 7.0 and Wife 1.0 are inoperable and have been forced to go back to performing certain tasks manually.

Wasn’t this a Dean Koontz novel?