I’ve heard that half of the adult population carries the human papilloma virus, so it’s not that big of a scandal. But my doc told me that there are different strains of it, some more likely to cause visible warts than others.
If you’re worried, go tell your doc before you see any warts. He’ll rub some acetic acid (vinegar) on your winky and if there are any protowarts, they’ll turn white. Then he’ll get some Liquid Nitrogen and a cotton swab and freeze the little boogers. A day or so later, they fall off.
Freezing works with full-grown warts, too. But they turn black and take a week or so to fall off. It’s not pretty. But it’s better than having warts on your willy.
The real bitch, though, is that now, you have to tell every partner about your HPV, and wear a condom even if you’re in a long-term monogomous relationship. Or, you could explain to them that if they have unprotected sex with you, they’ll have to have an annual pap smear every year for the rest of their lives (or the rest of their cervix’s life), because HPV is considered a risk factor for cervical cancer.
Yes, I got it back in college. It wasn’t the only thing I caught, but it was the only thing that has no cure… thank god. lady bug got rid of her cervix years ago. It wasn’t her friend anymore.
Oh, and also, my doc told me that the warts are more likely to grow at a spot on the skin that had been broken, either by abrasion, cut, or something else.
So, ummm… if this is true, why are miss aoty’s warts around her anus? Something you’re not telling us?
Anyway, regardless of your specific practices, go yourselves a favor, go buy a big bottle of AstroGlide, and use it liberally!