My Jack Russell Terrier's favorite bone

My dog (Lily) has a favorite bone–the kind with the bacon-flavored colorful middle part…she never chews that part. She only chews the ends.

She leaves the bone outside (our yard is littered with her plastic bones and plastic pop/water bottles–we look like poor white trash) for awhile then brings it inside and chews on it.

Once I found the bone in the street in front of my neighbor’s house. We have the Invisible Fence so we know Lily didn’t put it there. Then I found it on the side of the house where Lily never goes. This was puzzling to me. Did some kid keep moving the bone? I would take it back to the yard.

Then one day I saw a squirrel carrying the bone up the tree. An aha moment! The squirrels really are tormenting my little doggy.

I think she likes to get the squirrel smell on the bone then she likes to chew on it. The next best thing to chewing on a squirrel.

The score so far:
2 injured squirrels (blood drawn)
2 dead chipmunks
1 dead bunny
1 bird with no head

Watch out for Lily!


I think my german shepherd’s favorite bone is probably his spine. But that’s raeally several bones. Maybe one of the big leg bones - he’d have a hard time walking without it! :smiley:

Really, though, my dogs don’t take their toys outside. They have plenty to do out there without taking their toys out there to be rained on and run over with the mower. They have hundreds of acres to run and play on. That’s enough for them.


My JRT bitch’s favorite bone is whichever one one of the other dogs has. In fact, there really is only one bone in the world, and it doesn’t even exist until some dog starts to play with it. It then becomes more precious than, I don’t know, bacon or something.

Shiner’s score so far this year–
7 possums (young ones)
countless baby snakes
2 squirrels

Lily loves to take her toys outside. When we let her out of her cage when we get home, she scrabbles around for a bone or coke bottle and runs for the door. If you try to take it away she won’t go outside.

She looks pretty funny, a little 16-pound dog, holding a large plastic milk container by the handle. It sticks out to the side. But she must think she is hot stuff! If I knew how, I’d post a picture.

JRTs are really funny. We can’t convince the husband that we need a boy JRT for Lily to play with.


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