My kitty is sick

Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. Mikkel, you made me cry (in a good way).

Here are some pics of Tenshi on his fifteenth birthday, last year.

I looked for him on the couch this morning, in his usual spot, when I gave the other cats their treats. Last night I woke up and cried because I rememberd that now I’ll never get a chance to get video of his sweet trick where he’d stick his paw under your hand when it was resting on a table, and stuff his head under it for petting. I’d been meaning to, but figured I could always do it later. And now I can’t.

Big, big hugs {{{ }}}

As I posted yesterday, we made the choice to put our darling and young doggy boy down yesterday. It’s devastating, especially the weighing of what’s best for our pet kids vs. our want to hold onto them as long as possible.

Thinking of you, take good care of yourself. -Jenn

I’m so sorry for your loss, Jennshark. I will think of you as well. Maybe Tenshi and your doggy boy will find each other during Rainbow Bridge Orientation and become friends.

Ah, the Grand Butt Sniffing.

RIP, sweet angel.