My Library has closed! (twitch twitch) What do I do? (twitch twitch)

My library closed due to a mold problem. They don’t know when it will be re-opened.

It was the largest library in the county, and I really don’t feel like driving all the way out to neighboring cities.

I have found a new way, Books by Mail. At first, I felt weird, getting books shipped to me and then shipping them back free, but then I realized, it’s not free, via my tax dollars.

Anyone else use Books by Mail? How’d it go?

This is the first I’ve heard of Books by Mail? Can you provide some more info? :slight_smile:

You go on line to your county public library system, and you can search for a book and ask that it be mailed to you. They will send the return package as well, so you can ship it back. (I guess kind of like NetFlix.)

I’ve never done it before, so I don’t know how well it works.

Books By Mail sounds very cool.

I buy lots of books at the Goodwill or Salvation Army. $1 for hardbacks, .25¢ for paperbacks, and they’re on sale every so often (Two for one specials on HBs, PBs for 6 for $1.00).

I know that’s not a great alternative since you can’t reserve and can’t get exactly what you’re looking for, but it’s something. I’m kind of anal about books and like to own them. You’d be amazed at what you can find. Lots of brand-new, never-been-read hardbacks, best-sellers, whatever. You gotta look and pick through, though.

Books by mail is a relatively rare service. It’s usually reserved for shutins. I suppose having no library service may be an exception.

The system I used to work for had a Books by Mail system but there was a limited selection and it was designed for either shutins or people who lived way out in the middle of nowhere.

There’s a poster up in my local branch, “Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries”. I truely empathize with you… I’m not sure if I’d be able to survive that long without a library.

In the meantime, though, I can offer a solution. They’ve got to store all those books someplace while they fix their mold problem, right? How big is your basement? I’m sure they’d love for you to help them out :).

If the local library asked me if they could store books in my home, I might as well block off my doors myself once they’ve all been loaded in 'cause I’m not going to leave anytime soon. :wink:

If you don’t mind reading off a screen, you can download classic public domain (copyright-expired, mostly) books in plain text, html, and (some) PDF through Project Gutenberg. (A plain text version always exists, because that’s the project’s main charter, but sometimes html or PDF versions are also available.) You won’t get anything recent, but the complete works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are available, for example.

I live in Florida…no such thing as basements. :wink:

Where I live, libraries are often members of consoriums that have mutual lending priviliges. You might want to check into that (although you might have to drive quite a distance to another library in your system).

I feel your pain. They’re talking about closing down our library because of funding shortfalls in our town – and I view that as a disaster.

Some authors also provide out-of-print books for free. I know Holly Lisle has two of her novels on her website (Sympathy For The Devil and Fires In The Mist).

My sympathy on your recent loss. My local library closed on Sundays for a few weeks and I thought I’d been punched. Luckily there are 6 other libraries within a 15 minute driving radius, so the pain was lessened somewhat.

I noticed from the link that they are looking to lease space somewhere soon. My library leased a closed grocery store during the recent construction, and we were all asked to check out as many books as possible from the old location and return them to the new location. It was a wonderful opportunity to take out a whole shelf of books and discover things I would never have stumbled upon. And while the new library is fabulous, I kinda miss the intimacy of the small space at the grocery store.

My sympathy.

Our library has " Books by the Bag" . you select your books, and they are delivered to your door by the Bookmobile.

I haven’t done it, but it is popular seniors, shut ins and Mom’s with little kids.
I also borrow a bazillion books through the Library system. ( MiLE: Michigan Library Exchange) It has saved me countless dollars. My tax dollars at work.
I love my library.

Well, I requested a book, so we will see what happens.

It’s one I’ve read before, so no big deal if it doesn’t arrive. I’m just testing the system right now.