My miniature Trebuchet

I’ve known about trebuchets for awhile, and always thought they were one of the coolest weapons around. Save for maybe swords. Anyway, I went to the rennisance festival Monday and they had one on display. As I was leaving, they were about to launch it, so I got to stay and see a stuffed cow get launched a good 200 or more feet. That is perhaps one of the most surreal sights I will see in my life.
When I got home, I looked online for trebuchet models and such, and decided it wouldn’t be that hard to build one out of popsicle sticks. So today, off to Walmart I went, and got the supplies I needed. I spent the better part of the evening working on it here and there, and have finally finished it. I am currently using coins as a counterweight, as they’re about the heaviest thing I have on hand. The sling isn’t exactly how I want it to be, and it has a tendancy to not let go of the missiles, and also the frame is a bit wobbly and falls over if I don’t hold it during the launch, but other than that it works beautifully. I plan on working on it some more tommorow, possibly building the frame just right, and replacing the sling.
If you want pictures, just email me and I’ll respond with some.
Oh, and if you don’t know what a trebuchet is, then shame on you!!

Everyone here knows what a trebuchet is.

For it has become legendary.

I’m a Rennie too, and the stupid trebuchet has become the bane of my summer. Apparently, my initial reaction to being shot with a marshmallow was just SO funny that I can’t walk past the mini trebuchet booth without being bombarded. And the seller has some pretty good aim, too, darn him. It’s hell picking a marshmallow out of your bodice in 90 degree weather.

You should put a link to this in this thread .

Did someone at the renfaire read about the goat cannon?

Try putting wheels on the base of the frame, this will stop it wobbling and increase power!
Power increase is because the counterweight travels nearer to vertically downwards than without the wheels.

Tuco - with plans to build a Trebuchet but never having the time to start.

Thanks for providing an appropriate place to post a cool link:

I gave my nephew a Warwolf model for Christmas last year. It took a couple of days to assemble it, mainly due to an inadequate supply of clamps (there’s a lot of gluing involved), but it does a marvelous job of flinging potatoes at things. We had to remind him not to aim it toward houses, though.

Those of you living a terribly deprived siege-engine-less life (looks significantly at Tuco) can remedy your situation in a weekend if you put your minds to it.

Shouldn’t your partner be doing that? :wink:

You got it all wrong. You need to find a lord or a rogue (depending on your mood) and invite them to *lick * it out. And, 90 degrees? Meh. Last year, we were nudging up near 100 on a couple weekends.

That is why I am so thankful that the Texas Ren Fest is in Oct-Nov! Its only hot the first two weekends. After that, whee!

Those Trebuchet’s are awsome! I want a desktop model just so I can fling various objects at my unsuspecting dog. :slight_smile: