"My name is Inigo Ailes. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

It’s the whole “and I’m bringing hell” thing – it’s so… so…

…so like a 17 year old brat. Let’s hope he outgrows it and meets counselors and mentors who teach him that Great Men do NOT punch down.

I know nothing of any of these people — and wouldn’t were I American — but grief for a loved one affects all equally. Wealth doesn’t erase loss.

Right. He’ll never have to work a day in his life or know the uncertainty of living month-to-month wondering if he’ll be able to pay the rent or buy enough food or afford his medications.

. . . so like something he’s heard many times and is repeating.


Even at 17, one should know how to act in public.

Naw, he just saw Tombstone.

Great. Now I’m picturing Soos’ mom seeing him stepping over the vacuum hose at the top of the stairs and yanking the hose.

Did your friends have people publicly stating that their fathers were pieces of shit and everyone should be glad that they were dead?

Here are some wonderful quotes from this board:


Go to Twitter and other sites and there are tons of posts just like. And the folks on t.v. haven’t been any better. Considering that liberals are supposed to be the compassionate side of politics, well, they need to start acting like it.

I didn’t like Alies, don’t like Fox News but at least I understand that there are real people who are affected by his death and that those people loved the man. It is quite possible to hate Alies but not want to cause further injury to innocent people who cared for him.

But, hey, fuck that right? Screw being a decent human being.


Well, to be fair, his father WAS a piece of shit and everybody SHOULD be glad he’s dead.

And how do we know Junior meant to target the women his father abused and demeaned? Maybe he’s planning to go gunnin’ for them Murdochs.

Y’know there is some validity to the point that even horrific people who have behaved horribly have those who loved them and who mourn them. No matter what we thought of the person respecting that grief is proper. IMHO. There are few whose deaths I’d celebrate and not that many graves I’d dance on.

And that has nothing to do with this grieving 17 year old attempting to threaten who knows who with revenge with lines from a bad video game or villain origin story.

That’s not normal grief. That’s not complaining about a public speaking ill of his deceased loved one. That’s at best what we see in bad comic books.

The fact that this young man will likely have ample resources to bring to bear to attempt to follow through on his threats makes it more than just pathetic.

Oh dear GOD. Please let the creators of The Venture Bros turn him into a totally inept wannabe villain. :smiley:

Ailes already screwed being a decent human being. Yes, he had people who loved him and will grieve, but why the hell should the rest of us afford him any damn respect? I don’t believe in hell, so I can’t say that I wish that he roasts there, but his record of sexual harassment outweighs anything else he ever did, and may history forever judge him thusly.

Look, I get that the man had a family who loved him. Good for him. Seriously.

However, his son is the one who opened his mouth and unleashed this verbal diarrhea on the world. Had he kept his trap shut, I probably would have had some sympathy for him, but he chose to speak and demonstrate that the apple did not, in fact, fall far from the tree. This simple, short statement very succinctly and conveniently proves this kid paid attention and learned to be every bit the selfish, vindictive prick his father was.

So fuck him. Fuck his whole family. I hope every last one of them get ass cancer.

Exactly. This was not something the son yelled in an outburst of angry grief. This was said during his eulogy for his father. This was something this kid planned to say.

Then again being a male of 17 (and therefore presumptively a fool) he may have just felt it would be “badass” to say something like that, as opposed to something like “I am going to make sure the truth of the father I knew is what’s remembered”. Too bad the truth is his father was a schmuck.

[del]The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.[/del] The turd doesn’t fall far from the asshole.