My neighbor squirts my dogs with her garden hose.


What you need is a solid fence.

I used to have a neighbour two doors down who had a yappy dog. This dog would start barking in the middle of the night and wake me up, apparently for no reason. The owners never came out to shut it up. Finally I learned how to shut the dog up. I’d go out into the back yard with my BB gun and launch a BB in its general direction. I’d never aim at it, of course. I couldn’t even see it over the two low fences. But it would shut right up. Another time a different neighbour’s dog, a toy poodle, was yapping in the night. I just pumped up the BB gun and pulled the trigger without having a BB in it. It shut the dog up.

Johnny L A - You are a sick.
And this is why you should not say anything confrontational to the person living next door. People like Johnny L A do cruel things to animals. Now the mean old bitch is just using a water hose but who knows what ignorance she might stoop to…like this ass hole Johnny L A.
It is amazing how idiots like this live with themselves. What would they do if a bunch of teens were listening to loud music? Would they break out a weapon and start firing in the general direction to see if they would hush up? I would rather pay dozens of tickets than have my dog shot at. Naturally, I would not allow my dogs to become a bother.
My suggestion is to make nice with the bitch.

I thank you all for your suggestions.

I do, however, think that I should mention here that my dogs do bark every so often when they’re let outside. Usually no more than 3-4 barks each before I call to them. They’re not barking during sleeping hours or for prolonged periods of time.

They both have had obedience training and will listen to me, but it seems that my dogs now view the neighbor lady with disdain and, when they see her, they run to bark at her.

I’ve called them back to the door the last few days when I’ve noticed that the lady next door has been out when they are.

I’ve been thinking that I should go to Home Depot and get some slats to fit into my chain-link fencing, blocking her from my dog’s view; and blocking her hose-spray from my dogs.

Effectively putting into use the credo “good fences make good neighbors.”

jacksen9: May I ask what cruel things I’ve done to animals? You can’t think of any, can you? Do you know why? Because I don’t do cruel things to animals, you putz!

Would you mind telling me what is cruel about making a sharp sound with a BB gun (no projectile, or did you miss that part) to shut up a poodle? What if I had yelled, “HEY!”? How is that different?

And what is “sick” about putting a BB in the same yard as a noisy dog, when there is absolutely no danger of hitting the dog? Huh?

Your sub-normal intelligence has obviously left you incapable of parsing simple sentences. Did I say anywhere that I shot at a dog? Nope. I said I launched a BB in its general direction. If I had been shooting at the dog I would have said, “I shot the dog.” ot “I shot at the dog.” But you seem to be incapable of understanding that.

For the record I have never shot at a dog, abused a cat, harmed a mouse, or have otherwise been cruel to an animal. So you can take your unfounded accusations and shove them up your anal orifice.

It’s amazing how idiots like you live with yourselves. :wally:

jackson-btw, this isn’t the Pit, and you aren’t allowed to call people names here.

At any rate, no, you didn’t aim at said dog. However, you still could have hit someone, or missed.

Just not a good idea.

Guinastasia: (This hot weather has put me in a very bad mood.)

There was no one to hit at two in the morning. And missing was the point, since I had no intention of hitting an animal. My thought was that if I made a noise in its yard, it would become distracted and look for it instead of barking. That’s exactly what happened. I could have thrown a rock, I suppose; but my aim (and range) was better with a BB gun.

So I’d have to disagree that it’s not a good idea. There was no chance of causeing any damage to property. There was no danger of hurting the dog. The dog shut up. I got to sleep.

Let me get this straight. Your aim and range TO MISS the target is better with a BB gun?

If I had thrown a rock I might have hit it. See the idea was to get a distracting noise in the yard, without hitting the dog or a window.

It occurs to me that people read these posts out of context. Someone living in Manhattan might read this and think, "WTF??? :eek: " But this took place in the desert about 20 years ago, not in the middle of a city.

He might not have been able to make the target yard with a rock. He did want to get the projectile into the yard, but he didn’t want to hit the dog with it. Makes sense to me.

I live on nine acres in a rural area, and I’d be mighty peeved if someone fired a weapon, projectile or not, into my yard or on my property without my consent, especially at night. If you have a problem with my dogs making noise, talk to me, or talk to the cops and have them talk to me, before you start playing your little vigilante games.

Scarlett67: You’d probably be peeved if someone woke you up out of a sound sleep to complain about your dog which you should have trained better in the first place.

A couple of things: In no way can it ba called “vigilante games”. Suppose I said very loudly, “SHHH!”? Would that be a “vigilante game”? Also, a BB gun is not a “weapon”. And if there is no projectile, how can it be “fired into your yard”? Finally, nine acres is a big plot of land. If your dogs were barking loud enough to wake the neighbours, then the cops would have been called.

Look. I don’t particularly care if people agree or disagree with a solution I used two decades ago that caused no harm to anyone. But I do object to being called “sick”, “an idiot”, and a “vigilante” by people who have no idea of the area or time when this took place, and who don’t know me. I’m not the one squirting dogs here. Dogs and I get along very well, thankyouverymuch.

Hey Johnny, welcome to land of everybody gets to play…


Reasoned discussion and open minded behaviour…


I crack me up sometimes…

If my dog barks enough to wake up my neighbor, he better be quick on the draw to beat me to the kill.

(Oh by the way, she lived untill 15 years old and she died in my arms after I put her down and I buryed her in her yard and the rules of that city can burn on my head.)

If you can’t control your animals or you place their rights above peoples rights, then, IMO, you don’t deserve the right to have animals…

Hey Johnny, welcome to land of everybody gets to play…


Reasoned discussion and open minded behaviour…


I crack me up sometimes…

If my dog barks enough to wake up my neighbor, he better be quick on the draw to beat me to the kill.

(Oh by the way, she lived untill 15 years old and she died in my arms after I put her down and I buryed her in her yard and the rules of that city can burn on my head.)

If you can’t control your animals or you place their rights above peoples rights, then, IMO, you don’t deserve the right to have animals…

I know that our animal control department at our humane society gets more calls about barking dogs than about any other problem. You owners of barky dogs often have no idea how mind-numbingly infuriating the barking can be.

So, yes: her spraying your dogs isn’t helping the problem. But if she hates having dogs barking at her, then there is a problem that needs to be solved, and it’s your problem, not hers.

I know that where I live, she could probably keep a log of the times that your dogs bark and could get animal control to write a ticket for you in the amount of $50, $100, or more.

I’d really suggest talking with her, asking if there are times she’s away from the house that you could let your dogs run unsupervised in the yard, telling her that you’re working on training the dogs, but that spraying them is making them aggressive and likelier to bark, and giving her some trick she can do to stop your dogs’ barking. Maybe you could, once you’ve taught your dogs to be quiet, go out there with them and supervise them while they bark at her and she tells them to be quiet. If they don’t obey her, you can reinforce her commands.

But right now, she’s pretty much legally in the right, as near as I can tell. And while she’s annoying your dogs, they’re annoying her too: if you’re not offering her a solution to the problem, I can understand why she’s at least venting via garden hose.


And what is “sick” about putting a BB in the same yard as a noisy dog, when there is absolutely no danger of hitting the dog? Huh?

It could be dangerous because in the dead of night your neighbor could mistake the BB gun for a rifle. Also, the BBs come out with force that is great enough to cause serious injury to a dog or a person. No matter what you say, it is irresponsible to shoot into someone’s yard.

Yes, I am just simple minded enough to think that if you are shooting anything into my yard, it could be dangerous. BB guns are dangerous and should not be shot into someone’s yard, especially at night.
My neighbor has shot a few birds in my yard. This is cruel and illegal. I have a bird feeder. BTW, the BB kills the bird.
If I had a choice of being awakened by a neighbor complaining about my dog or having my neighbor shoot or throw anything into my yard, I would choose to be awakened.
So…I’m a putz!

Now IMHO that’s an excellent idea! Non-confrontational and it sounds like it has a good chance of working.

The way I see it, you have two problems here. One is that your dogs and neighbors aren’t getting along. The second problem is that you and your neighbor don’t know or trust one another enough to discuss the problem like adults.

My guess is that if you work on the second problem, the first will take care of itself.

And while this advice may be too late for you, I would advise anyone with dogs to socialize them when they are pups. Perhaps if your neighbor had met the dogs under happier circumstances, neither would be barking at the other now.

Good luck.

True, but I’d be MORE peeved by someone taking the actions you did.

A BB gun is not a weapon? Tell that to my sister, who once was accidentally shot in the ass with one. Yeah, ha ha funny, but it caused a wound and it HURT.

And I wish you would make up your mind whether there was a projectile or not:

So did you or did you not load the gun and fire it? Or does “launching a BB” mean that you swung at it with the gun like a baseball bat? Pray clarify. And I echo Hugh Jass’s question: Why are you talking about aim and range if there’s no projectile involved?

Not by you, apparently.

Our plot is one of the smaller ones around here. It’s farm country. Every night you can hear other people dogs barking far off in the distance. My point in descibing my property was that even us rural folks don’t like having people firing YES WEAPONS on our property because they’re unhappy with our behavior or that of our pets.


How nice for you that you think it caused no harm. I know very little about guns. And there are nights that I am home alone while Mr. S is working. Imagine my point of view of seeing a stranger in the dark in the back yard* with what looks to me like a shotgun pointed at my property. Yes, we all have rights. But I don’t think that a noise ordinance violation gives you the right to give me the impression that you’re going to shoot at my dog for barking. Maybe you did this 20 years ago, but you sure seem to be advocating it now.

*There’s another question I’d like answered:

Sounds like it was a residential area, though. My nearest neighbors are a quarter of a mile away, with woods in between us.

We do train our dogs not to be annoying to others: not to jump up, not to lick, etc. But if my dog is bothering you, please USE YOUR WORDS (I’ve heard this used to train toddlers) rather than your gun to get my attention.

Regarding the OP: I think the fence is a very good idea, combined with possible remedial training for your dogs to try to tone down the reaction she’s caused them to have to her. Dogs can be trained to ignore food; if they’re already well trained you could probably train them to ignore your neighbor.

Good for you.

No, it’s not a weapon. That doesn’t mean you should go around shooting people in the ass with them.

I suppose the concept of two different dogs and two different occasions is a little much for you to grasp.

That is very obvious. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, then don’t try to tell me about them. I’d be willing to bet I’m more knowledgable than you in tyhis matter.

Illogical. You wouldn’t be looking out of the window if you were asleep. If you were awake, you would have made your dog stop barking.

How. Many. Times. Do. I. Have. To. Say. It.?

I. Was. NOT. Shooting. At. A. Dog.

Why is that so difficult for you and others to understand?

I am not commenting one way or the other. I am describing what worked in the past.

Perhaps I should go back there and take photos? Maybe make a documentary? It doesn’t matter. I was there and you weren’t. It would be pointless to describe it to you.

Good for you. You were not my neighbour though. And how would you react if a total stranger came to your house and woke you up in the middle of the night? A person is liable to get shot that way.

Obviously you think I was wrong and I think I was right. We’re not going to get anywhere calling each other names. I wasn’t even going to post to this thread until the name-calling started. So let’s give it a rest, okay?