Village life can be a bit on the weird side, but this is a new one.
I’m having new sidewalks put in and apparently one of my neighbors was threatening the guys doing the work that he was going to walk on the fresh cement. He was darting toward the sidewalk or standing with his foot upraised, ready to stomp down.
My contractor sprayed him down with a hose. He hasn’t been back.
I thought that only worked on fighting dogs, but apparently not!
Aw. They really should have let him into the cement. WAY into the cement. He could have made a very permanent mark. No one would have minded the odd-shaped hump on the sidewalk…
I recall a case where a guy sprayed an irritating camera crew with hose to make them get away. He ACCIDENTALLY hit an “innocent” woman/bystander with some of the water. IIRC he was charged with assualt. Good grief.
Extra tip for your contractor! It would bug me eternally if I had new sidewalks put in and some asshole felt the need to make his mark on them while they were wet.