My oven keeps shutting off during its heating phase. What's up?

The oven is a Amana self-cleaner very similar, though not identical, to the one in this image.

It’s great and we love it. The stovetop is fine. Works perfectly.

The oven, though, has developed an issue. When we turn the knob to preheat it(or just to heat it up with food already in it), it kicks off. Sometimes, it kicks back on. Sometimes, it does not. The “oven” light that indicates that it is heating also kicks off, so it knows it is not heating.

This is not merely a pre-heating issue. Even if it reaches its temperature, it continues to kick off.

If we go and wiggle the knob that controls the temperature, it kicks back on, but you have to keep an eye on it to make sure it is still doing its job.

What is the problem? Is it easy to fix? Should we hire a guy to come out and fix it, or is it ruined? We want to keep it if at all possible.


You can check the burner to see if it’s the there’s damage to it. Look closely at the connector in the back. If it’s the flip up type there might be a problem with the wiring to the connector that won’t be easy to see. It probably has a thermal fuse that may be faulty and shutting off at a low temp, or the thermocouple to sense the temperature is dirty. But since jiggling the know solves the problem it sounds like something in the controller. If there’s nothing obvious you may have to call the repairman.

I guess I’m a little confused. Every electric oven I’ve ever used “kicks off” when it reaches temperature and the oven on light turns off. That’s how you know it’s pre-heated. Wiggling the knob will get it to click back on because you have set the temperature – at least momentarily – higher than the preheated temperature so the heating elements kick back on to heat it up to that higher temperature.

Are you saying that the heating element kicks off before it gets up to temperature? You also say that that it’s “developed an issue.” How was the oven different before it developed this issue?

If there’s a problem, I’m guessing it’s that the temperature sensor has failed and is telling the oven to kick off prematurely. It looks like they sell for around $30.

It is kicking off before reaching its temperature. Furthermore, it kicks off without kicking back on to maintain its temperature.

So it’s the controller or it’s the thermocouple. Sounds like the controller - if the thermocouple were “reading high”, you would expect it to just maintain temperature at a lower temperature than what you set it for.

Looks like you need one of these. Note that this website even mentions your exact symptoms as a possible sign of control board failure. Try shopping around, ebay or a junkyard might be able to supply you one more cheaply.

I had something similar happen (on thanksgiving ). Turned out to be the controller board. With labor it was almost as expensive as buying a new oven.