My poor baby's awaiting balloon valvuloplasty OR Daddy's quite scared.

So glad to hear your daughter is doing well. Please give her an extra kiss from me.

Ayyyy- I got my fingers cut off, my back broke, feet broke, lotsa other stuff- someone up there said it’s worse for the family than it is for the patient- and she’s right.
It’ll be ok, you a nice man, gonna be a great father…
now go spoil that sweet girl.
Then spoil her sweet parents.
{{{Clucky and family}}}

Between such excellent weight gain and the miracles of modern medicine, I’d wager that alla youse are gonna be in fine shape. She’ll be filling her diapers again in no time.

Best Wishes,


Dear Clucky-

I am so glad everything came out so well!

And I am sending prayers and positive healing thoughts to you for a speedy and complete recovery for your little angel.


I have to say that little Clucky is doing great. She is back to her normal feeding schedule and sleeping schedule, for the most part. She’s an amazing baby. You know, when she was born, I felt pride like I’ve never felt before. And that was just because she was able to breathe on her own.

For everyone who wanted me to give her a hug and a kiss for them, I’ve done so hundredfold. But, she doesn’t always like kissies on the lips. If she’s the least bit cranky, she’ll get that bottom lip going and turn her head, nay, throw her head from side to side when you try to kiss her. She’s a pisser.

Okay, enough about Jessica. I’m getting to where I want to bore the hell out of everybody about my child.

I love it when the good guys win.