My poor baby's awaiting balloon valvuloplasty OR Daddy's quite scared.

My poor baby’s going to have to undergo a surgical procedure to correct a problem with her pulmonary valve. The condition is known as pulmonary stenosis, which means narrowing of the pulmonary valve. Following is a medical description we found:

Normally the pulmonary valve opens to let low oxygen blood flow from the right ventricle to the lungs where the blood is oxygenated. Because of the narrowing the right ventricle has to pump harder to get past the stenotic valve. This can sometimes lead to enlargement of the right ventricle. Depending on the severity of the pulmonary stenosis, open heart surgery may be indicated to correct the defect (THIS WILL NOT BE THE CASE FOR OUR BABY). Another option may be a balloon valvuloplasty. This procedure is done in the cardiac catheterization lab.

Our baby, who is 31/2 months and over 10 pounds, will receive the procedure performed with a catheter. The catheter will enter at the top of her thigh, and the doctor will be able to see what he’s doing through a tiny camera. They will open up her pulmonary valve this way so that she doesn’t suffer from heart problems. In the long run, she will be much healthier for it. In the short term, the surgery will cause only an inconvenience and some discomfort, so we’re told.

But I’m quite scared. The surgery is scheduled for Feb. 26. I’m not a religious man, so I don’t pray. I just worry and enjoy her every second I get a chance. Boy, parenthood can be scary. It’s a portal to a whole new level of emotions. Truthfully, I had no idea how emotional it would be. Damn.

But it’s wonderful, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

I’m sure she’ll come thru it just wonderfully, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed anyhoo.

{{{Baby Clucky and you too Dad!}}}

Clucky, I am a religious man and I hope that it won’t offend you if I say a prayer for your baby girl. I had to go in for a minor procedure in the hospital, it wasn’t surgery, but it was the first time I’d been to a hospital since I was born. Scared me out of my mind so, I sort of know how fear can come out of a pretty easy procedure. I can only imagine how that would be magnafied if it were my daughter.

Trust the doctors. They know what they are talking about. They do this thing all the time. Research this procedure as much as you can. Knowing exactly what will happen will demystify it and make it less scary.

Won’t be long before the little-Cluckstress is starting to walk to her daddy. Try not to worry, it’ll be fine.

Gracious. I get worried when my son has a cavity filled, I don’t think I’d be coherent enough to post if I were going through what you are. But it sounds as though it’s not an unheard-of procedure, and that your daughter’s in good hands. I’m sure she will be just fine; in fact, even better! Good luck to your family.

I can’t offer you much beyond moral support.

I can’t imagine what you are going through, just hang in there.

You and your family are in my thoughts. Even something minor when it’s happening to your child, IS a big deal. Try not to worry too much, if you can help it. That little girl needs a strong healthy daddy to cuddle and hug her, not one run-down or ill from stress. Take a deep breath, look into her wonderous eyes and tell her you love her. (Then go do the same with your wife, I’m sure she’s a ball of tension about this is well.)

Not sure what else to write so I’ll just send you more hugs…

Thanks for the responses and support. Yes, Gundy, this is a rather common procedure. Our doctor told us that only one of his patients in the past 10 years have had to go back to have the surgery performed again. So, in every other case, the procedure worked out fine, and in just one surgery. Plus, we will have a specialist who does nothing else but this type of procedure.

So, we were comforted by the doctor. But, after he mentioned her heart was going to need an operation, I pretty much was lost in a cloud. Mom seems a lot better about it. She knew exactly what the doctor was talking about. I looked at her and expected to see tears when we were told surgery was needed. She has a background in the medical field (office work, billing, and so forth), so she was the one who told me, as soon as she realized I was lost, that they wouldn’t have to open our baby’s chest for this. What a relief.

And, yes, Sue, parenthood is wonderful. In fact, it’s truly the greatest thing that has ever happened or will ever happen to me. I am in awe of our little girl.

Just think Clucky! She might get e little scar on her thigh that she canshow everyone. Can’t you hear her 6 year old voice telling her friends “They fixed my heart through there!”
Good Luck.

BTW, Surgury for the family and friends of the patient is much worse than the for the patient themselves. I remember when my husband went in for Carpal Tunnel surgury he was so nervous that I had to play “the brave front” and try to make him as at ease as possible. After the surgury he was wheeled out to me and he was sitting up, all smiles. I just broke down sobbing. he couldn’t understand it. It happened twice, for each hand he had done. It will be alright for you.

{{{Clucky and family}}}

We’re thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.

Good luck to you and your family.

Just think: all this worry and the little one won’t ever remember a thing. My daughter has a nice scar from bladder surgery when she was 3. The other day she noticed it and asked what it was. I explained it to her and she was quite intrigued by the whole thing. Thought it was pretty cool. She has no idea how many gray hairs I got from that cool scar.

I’m sending good vibes your way and godspeed to the doctor operating on little Clucky.

Clucky, I will be thinking and praying for you, your wife, and your precious daughter. I cannot begin to imagine what you’re going through.

{{{{{Clucky and family}}}}}

The operation was a success. The pulmonary valve itself is unblocked. We only have to worry about some narrow arteries that are expected to self-correct (they were a result of being born 6-1/2 weeks early).

Thank you all for your posts here, even for your prayers. (I may not be religious, but I sure do it appreciate it when people stop long enough to pray to their God for my baby.)

It seems the most challenging thing for the medical staff was finding a vein for the IV. Our baby has gotten to be a porker in less than 4 months. She’s grown from 3 pds., 11 oz., to 11 pds., 9 oz.

I love her so much. You can’t kiss her enough before and after something like this.

YAY!! I’m glad everything came out great.

Give the little porker a hug from me!

Hee hee. Porker baby. I bet she is a cutie. Give her lots of pokes in the belly. Gentle like, of course. And big hugs. Glad to hear everything came out fine and dandy.


I’m so glad to hear everything turned out okay. They can do wonderful things now for heart problems. Will she require any further surgery when she is older?

////Clucky and Family\\

Thanks for your concern. To answer your question, likely not. Only if she has problems with narrow arteries. Then, there’s a chance they might try to perform another operation. Of course, we hope against hope we won’t have to do this again.

{{{Clucky and Baby Clucky}}}

I’m so glad to hear the little one is OK. I second the suggestion for belly-pokes, and of course lots and lots of hugs and kisses from Daddy. Little girls can never get enough love from their daddies.

Whew! I was hoping that everything would turn out well. I can’t imagine how scary this situation is for a parent. Give the little one a hug from me. :slight_smile:

And here I was, feeling sorry for myself because I have a sore throat and a cough. Thanks for cheering me up and putting things into perspective.

Nothing is more important than our babies, is it?


And it doesn’t end there; you’ll agonize over grandkids too. To have children is to give hostages to fortune.

I recall when they wanted to put tubes in my daughters’ eyes to help drainage of tears; the thought of them operating on my baby girl really tightened my gut, so I know how you feel, in spades.

I have found much solace in prayer, and I prayed hard that she wouldn’t have to have the surgery. One evening she cried harder than I had ever experienced, and for no discernable reason. After that her eyes cleared up, and the pediatrician declared she no longer needed it. Draw any conclusion you like, but I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth!

Best of luck with your little one, and I will hold her in my prayers.