My roomie is about to NOT get to Pennsic

I heard that blacksmithing is poised to make a big comeback and there are rumors of a wrought iron iPhone in the works.

And mayhaps they shall encounter a noble lord in their journeys who commissions their services as court smithy and rewards them with a fine chariot and great riches.

It’s almost as if some prick who likes stereotyping and pretending to be a worthwhile human being lacks the basic social skills to shut the fuck up and keep their idiotic opinions to their own stupid selves.

Properly she is a farrier, a blacksmith that is trained to shoe and maintain hoof-care in horses, and working with the vet on orthopedic shoeing work for horses with leg and hoof problems. Unfortunately with people having money trouble, the number of horses in the area is drastically reduced so her client base [for lack of a better term] has left the area. The number of people needing other smithed items is also decreased because they now tend to be decorative items like candle holders, strap hinges, decorative headed nails and wrought iron gates, fences, balusters and such.

She was employed by the Post Office, however with the cutbacks as she was the most recently hired, she was the first on the block.

The camp our household uses is down on the lake shore, next to Pentwyvern [actually we have a couple of the Gypsies that always camp with us] Other than the pentwyvern Goes to Hell party, and the hofla, it is normally a quiet camp. Of course, with the drumming class you occasionally feel like that poor guy inthe Lovecraft stories that has the eternal infernal drumbeat in his head [dum teka teka teka dum teka teka tek]

And nobody ever has spare room with everything crammed into vehicles. We actually had a storage locker in Zelienople for a number of years to hold the larger items when we regularly camped 25+ people.

You are a better person than I am. That’s what, an 8 hour drive from Eastern CT to Western PA? I can’t imagine offering someone an 8 hour ride to someplace I didn’t also want to be. Are you going out to pick her ass back up too?

Between the extra gas, wear and tear, and renting a motel room, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea for her to rent a car instead of bumming a ride.

It’s almost as if I’ve touched a nerve.

No, you were just being an asshole. But if that’s something to feel proud about, then go ahead; you gotta have a dream.

Well, I drive a diesel jetta and get 43 mpg, so I can do the round trip for barely more than a tank of fuel, one can not rent a vehicle to go out of state for 2 weeks for under around $500. That is more than her entire stay at Pennsic budget including entrance fee.

And a hotel room for a 16 hour drive? Meh. Ill probably catch a small nap midway on the way home after I grab a bite of dinner more from the boringness of driving than anything else.

:rolleyes: Yes, yes, you’re a successful troll. Well done.

Sorry to laugh but the combination of your user name and the subject matter will probably amuse madmonk28 instead of dissuade him.

A more literate version of “u mad bro?”

I understand now, I thought you were going to be driving her out in the truck while hubby was stuck in a motel room, then picking her up again with the truck, while he rented another motel room. I didn’t realize the plan was for her to borrow the truck, and you were considering using your other car to give her a lift.

Still, you’re a better person than I.

Is she hot? I’ll give her a ride.

Instant City. Just add SCAdians.

Huh? I’m thinking it’s broken, am I right? I’ve never heard this expression.

You got me here. Is there a word missing, maybe? How is it nasty to take her? Even if the truck worked? Confused again, apologies.

Pennsic? I’d never heard of that before either. Learned something new today, thanks for that!

You’ve matched the effectiveness of Homer Simpson yelling “NEEEEEEERRRRD!!” from the car on the college campus.

The irony, it burns.

Hey, buddy - did you get a load of the nerd?

It’d make the Bridge Battle real, for once. Kind of like playing Diablo in Hardcore mode.

“Hors de combat” means “out of the fight” or basically “sidelined (due to) fuel pump” in this context.