The morning began sucking the minute I got out of bed and couldn’t find my monkey slippers.
I got the kids ready for school, made the one that stays home toast with grape jelly. She dropped the toast on the carpeted floor JELLY side down. I cleaned up the mass of purple goo, went to get a wet rag to blot the rest before I sprayed the area with carpet cleaner. I turned on the faucet, no water. I called stormchaser and he had me go out to check the outside hydrants, the fuses, and finally open the well cover and see if the pump was even running. It wasn’t.
So we called a repair person.
He got here late afternoon. He knocked on the door around 4:45, told me that the pressure regulator went out. I was thinking, great, he knows what it is, it is all fixed. Not so. When they wired it in, they wired it wrong and it started to spark. The pulled out the pump and were going to take it to the shop to rewire it. We did not have water until this morning. It’s fixed now. Can’t wait to see how much its going to cost. Hopefully they won’t charge us for their screw up.