My sister is demented.

Frank, I’m so sorry you and your family have been dealt this wretched hand. Wishing you all strength and comfort.

I wish you all the strength you need and more. Be sure to look after yourself, as well as your sister and family.

Sorry, Frank. Bad situation and I feel for you.

I’m so sorry to hear about this.

I’m so sorry to hear this.

Sorry, Frank. Luck and best wishes to you and your family.

Yes, this. You should be able to find a group by talking to your sister’s doctor or the hospital social worker.

I am so very sorry you have to go through this, especially with someone so young.

It sounds like your family is already working on the practical things they can do to help. The hospital social worker is a good resource if you have questions about anything else you can/should be doing. Also, here’s a little something from the Alzheimer’s Association that has suggestions on how to deal with the changes in behavior that can happen with dementias.

Both my grandmothers had dementia and now both my parents do. Neither understands what’s happening to the other and this is especially sad for my mother, as my dad’s personality has deteriorated (a stroke “helped” with that as well) and there’s no hope of getting her to understand why or teaching her ways to cope with it.

It is very hard to watch someone you care about fade away by inches, and I can see why some people avoid dealing with the situation. It helps me to concentrate on what I can do and remind myself that I need to let go of what I can’t. I wish you strength for the days ahead.

Crap. A colleague’s mother had this same disorder and I know it was terribly painful for the family to watch her deteriorate. She ultimately had to be placed in a nursing facility.

Any kind of dementia is awful on the family, losing their loved one and seeing the shell where their mother/father/whomever used to live :(. Even more so in your case where your sister is so young.

Hang in there, and vent to the Dopers as much as you want.

Ooof all over again. I’m really sorry, Frank, and wish you all the strength to make it through this.

My sympathies. My uncle died of the same thing. I wish I had something reassuring to say, but the reality was that it was awful and heartbreaking. He went from being a highly successful lawyer to trying to remember what kind of cookie he liked. I say that not to be a downer, but because sometimes it’s good to know what to prepare for.

Frank, I am so sorry. Best wishes to you and your family.

Oh lord, I’m so sorry.

I am so sorry to hear this. I’ll pray for your sister and your family for strength.

Sorry to hear that. :frowning: You guys will be in my thoughts.

So sorry to hear what you and your family is going through Frank. I could only imagine watching a loved one become afflicted with something like that, especially at a young age.

Thank you, everybody, for your sympathy, advice, and suggestions.

That’s terrible Frank. Sorry that she’s having to go through this. I’ll keep her in my thoughts.