My Tivo thinks I like mexican porno

I honestly don’t know where it got that idea.
But oooh aren’t they sweet?

That’s nothing. My toaster thinks I like smouldering lumps of carbon, my shower thinks I’m into hypothermia, and my car thinks I enjoy vigorous exercise.

Your TiVo, on the other hand, is a sophisticated piece of technology (allow me to repeat that magic word: technology) that was designed expressly to record, remember and ultimately anticipate your preferences in an arena (televised entertainment) that has over the decades been market-researched and focus-grouped to the limits of mathematical precision. Odds are, it spends a lot more time on the task of choosing programming, at heaven knows how many billions of calculations per second, than you do.

What I’m saying is, it’s probably right. After all, you don’t second guess your pocket calculator or digital watch even if you might have guessed a different answer or felt like it was not that late. And that’s pretty primitive compared to the technology represented by TiVo.

So you should just go with it. Enjoy the frolics of our southwestern neighbors, perhaps with a nice snack. If you ask nicely, your refrigerator may suggest something tasty that you never knew you wanted.

TiVos or Mexicans?

There’s very likely a line of code in the Tivo program-choosing module that loosely translates to “Hey! Who DOESN’T like mexican porn?”.

A friend of mine has a TiVo. He recorded <i>The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy</i> and some more adult-oriented anime, and it continued to record anything aimed at children. Then again, he also recorded a lot of movies of all different genres. It recorded show tunes and bad sitcoms for him. I’m not entirely sure how the categories work on TiVo, but I guess they’re unable to distinguish between cartoons that are okay for kids and animated stuff intended for adults. It’s got a “stupid American factor” built in. Joy.

You mean we have to choose now? Aw, man.

Okay, TiVos.

No, Mexicans.

if((genre == PORN) && (ethnicity == MEXICAN))

Hey, who doesn’t like Mexican porn?

And who knew there was Mexican porn?

I, for one, welcome our TiVo overlords.

or should it be * I, for Juan, welcome…* oh, never mind.

Well, y’know, this Niblets Green Giant Mexi-corn is tasty stuff, what with the little bits of green and red bell pepper and all. And it’s festive, too. Really brightens up a meal. So I can see why your TiVo thinks you like it. What’s *not * to like about Mexican corn?


You think you’ve got problems? Check out this guy :smiley:

Excuse me while I clean up my monitor. And that tea was good, too.

Bow-pollo-bow-bow! :smiley:

Am the only one whose getting a registration screen for Tapioca 's link?
anybody care to summarise the contents?

you can find the article by googling “My TiVo thinks I’m gay” and clicking on the “cached” page.

Yo soy Juan, bienvienido a TiVo jefes

Ah, got it now. Thanks.

I definitely do not want technology that tries to read my mind. I want technology that does what I tell it to. Is that too *&^%$# much to ask?

I think what you mean to say is, “I, for Juan, welcome our TiVo overlords.” I’ve filled out your application and submitted it for you. You do like Mexican porn, right?

Ah, *&^%$#. Mexican porn for you!