my wife thinks im cheating on her, I'M NOT

A DP I was acquainted with’s wife went through a major bad time that way. Timing coincided with their eldest going off to college. So they think it may have been related to that milestone: the first child leaving the nest.

IIRC, he said that Prozac saved his marriage. That was over 15 years ago, they’re still together and doing just fine, but he said it was really weird for while.

Come again? With’s?

There’s an old saying “The best defense is a good offense”

That’s what she said.

I don’t know what a DP is, but I read it as “[A DP I was acquainted with]'s wife”, as in “somebody’s wife” where somebody=“DP I knew”.

At least I hope I don’t know what a DP is in this situation. Otherwise, that’s a WHOLE lot of information…

Yeah, well, some of us LIKE to play Armchair Psychologist. I also think that advice you get from anonymous strangers on the internet is worth exactly what you paid for it. :slight_smile:


So, so very, very sorry to have so mortally offended you, big fella. This is the very first time I have ever called anyone on their spelling/grammar in over 10 yrs here.

To me it seemed so much to be the style of a teenager that I felt it was one, trying to disguise what was really going on or trying to avoid a lot of, “you’re young, you’ll love again”, sort of advice.

Clearly I was wrong. Sincere apologies to all.

It’s a written medium, after all. We only have words to form an impression of where you’re coming from, etc. When you post like a 14yr old texting his mates, don’t be surprised if people are unsure of your sincerity.

Any external forces on her part that may be messing with her head raising her suspicions? Does she have any friends or relatives that have recently cheated or have been cheated on? Is she watching any TV shows or reading any novels where cheating is going on and she thinks about it a lot?
Is she the type of person who likes a lot of drama in their life? Possible maybe she’s bored at this point in her life and is trying to create faux drama where there is none?
How did your previous marriage end? Did you hook up with her before the other marriage ended?
How are you around these other woman you work with? Very outgoing, happy, chatty with them and then business like with her? Maybe she sees you being a “happier” different person when you’re around other woman, thinks you enjoy their company more than hers, and lets her imagination go wild.

Lots of possibilities.

All these votes for her possibly having an affair and my first thought was he’s having an affair, started this thread and will figure out how he will arrange for her to stumble upon this thread in due time.

I guess we’re all cynics…

Half apologies with excuses are even classier.

Now we’re getting somewhere. :smiley:

I still think he should cheat on her just to make the assumptions line up with reality again. I swear I know married people, both make and female that have told me they decided to cheat when their spouse falsely accused them of cheating and they figured they might as well get some benefit out of being thought to be a cheater so they started doing it. A couple of them were pretty wild already so I am not sure if I buy it but I do admire their respect for congruity.

I’m assuming you’ve tried to discuss this with her. If you have and it hasn’t worked, the two of you need to see a marriage counselor.

Is Sodium Penthol legal? Probably not. Scratch that.

Seriously though, I’m shocked and appalled that nobody here has mentioned you go see a marriage counsellor.

By Duran Duran.

Why? Because people can’t run a successful business and be poor spellers at the same time? People around here confuse intelligence with education way too often. They aren’t anywhere close to the same thing.

If that was directed at my post, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one to make that suggestion. But from what I could see most people were merely speculating about a marital problem they have virtually no knowledge of or noting spelling errors. So I figured there was still room to repeat the obvious.

That, of course, is not what I’m saying. But it’s a lovely strawman, and you did a wonderful job of knocking it down. Good work.

I’ve said what I’ve said on the matter, I am not pushing the matter (in fact, I offered some advice/condolences on the situation), and people should take it as nothing more than a passing observation on something that happens extremely frequently on these boards, but is certainly not an absolute surety.

There is also the whine of smug satisfaction as people practice their debate skills.

I was actually just being silly.