Well, I’m probably going to be getting Myst 3:Exile for my birthday(August 17- send money only). I’m curious as to what some of you Dopers think about it. I know other threads have been done on this(quite awihle ago), but I’m interested in fresh perspectives.
First, I know it wasn’t done by Rand Miller and the other people who were involved with Myst and Riven. I met Rand Miller about a year ago at a conference.
It was really interesting to hear what he had to say. He showed us previews of two projects he had been working on, both that even his colleagues at Cyan hadn’t seen yet.
One was Real Myst, which came out around Christmas last year. I was impressed with the technology but let down with the idea. I had hoped he was working on something brand new, not re-hasing the old game.
He was. After he showed us a sneak of Real Myst, he showed us what he and Cyan were working on. You see, he mentioned that Myst 3 never interested him since he felt the story ended with Riven. Besides, Riven had been torture to make and he wanted to go a different direction.
The project he let us look at was a multiplayer type of Myst game. Again, it isn’t connected to Myst itself, but is in the same vein. You compete with other players(not against) and are moving through an ultra-real world, which opens up to you slowly.
Examples? Well, we saw some “people” running around a light-house(yes, a light-house) and they had to turn three cranks together to open up the windows and let the light pour out. This might not be in the game, but you get the idea.
He seemed genuinely excited over the technology. Cyan is known for making complicated games that work on simpler systems. Even though this game is online, it will work with modems and on computers with less than the top systems.
Anyway, I just thought I’d mention that story as well. Now, what did you guys think of Myst 3: Exile? Good game? Similar to Riven and Myst? Tell me whatever you like.